Re: [PATCH 3/3] EDAC/igen6: Allow setting edac_op_state

From: Orange Kao
Date: Wed Nov 06 2024 - 16:23:25 EST

On 6/11/24 13:04, Zhuo, Qiuxu wrote:
From: Orange Kao <orange@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] EDAC/igen6: Allow setting edac_op_state

Current implementation does not allow users to set edac_op_state. As a
result, if a user needs to test different edac_op_state, they need to compile
the kernel.

This commit accepts module parameter edac_op_state which makes it easier
for users to test IBECC on their hardware.

An SoC's (with the IBECC feature) memory error reporting type is determined.
Switching from NMI to Machine Check or vice versa for a given SoC is pointless
in the real world.

Additionally, the interrupt mode is preferred over the polling mode unless
the interrupt cannot work, as in the case you reported.

[ Sometimes, no choice is the best choice :-). ]


Thank you Qiuxu and Boris. Good to know. I don't have any "actual" use case so please exclude patch 3.
