Re: [PATCH v2 2/5] arm64: dts: rockchip: Enable HDMI0 on rock-5b

From: Cristian Ciocaltea
Date: Wed Nov 06 2024 - 16:27:11 EST

On 11/6/24 10:42 PM, Link Mauve wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve tested this series on a Radxa Rock 5B using Weston, and thus
> patches 1 and 2 are:
> Tested-by: Link Mauve <linkmauve@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> On a TV which erroneously reports 1360×768 as its preferred mode,
> nothing gets displayed. Only setting a 1920×1080 mode will display
> things correctly, every other mode stays black.

I'd suggest to try the following patches from [1], they should improve the
display modes support:

94b5c31f969d ("[WIP] drm/rockchip: vop2: Improve display modes handling on rk3588")
c33c23053987 ("[WIP] arm64: dts: rockchip: Enable HDMI0 PHY clk provider on rk3588")
6059245635c0 ("[WIP] arm64: dts: rockchip: Make use of HDMI0 PHY PLL on rock-5b")

I'm currently cleaning this up and submit upstream when ready.

Thanks for testing,
