[PATCH] hwmon: Documentation: Fix grammar in fan speed trip points explanation

From: Abhinav Saxena
Date: Wed Nov 06 2024 - 20:39:32 EST

Fix several grammatical issues in the fan speed trip points documentation:
- Replace awkward "which % the fan should run at at" construction with
clearer "that specify the percentage at which"
- Fix incorrect "is chip depended" to "are chip dependent" for correct
verb agreement and adjective form
- Improve readability by reorganizing first sentence and separating the
complex explanation into simpler parts
- Add hyphen before "see" to improve readability
- Remove redundant "at" in temperature description

No functional changes, documentation only.

Signed-off-by: Abhinav Saxena <xandfury@xxxxxxxxx>
Documentation/hwmon/f71882fg.rst | 9 +++++----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/hwmon/f71882fg.rst b/Documentation/hwmon/f71882fg.rst
index 38e30fbd4806..53d32bf06b70 100644
--- a/Documentation/hwmon/f71882fg.rst
+++ b/Documentation/hwmon/f71882fg.rst
@@ -178,10 +178,11 @@ Writing an unsupported mode will result in an invalid parameter error.
available on the F71858FG / F8000 if the fan channel is in RPM mode.

* 2: Normal auto mode
- You can define a number of temperature/fan speed trip points, which % the
- fan should run at at this temp and which temp a fan should follow using the
- standard sysfs interface. The number and type of trip points is chip
- depended, see which files are available in sysfs.
+ You can define a number of temperature/fan speed trip points that specify
+ the percentage at which the fan should run at each temperature, and which
+ temperature sensor a fan should follow, using the standard sysfs interface.
+ The number and type of trip points are chip dependent - see the available
+ files in sysfs.
Fan/PWM channel 3 of the F8000 is always in this mode!

* 3: Thermostat mode (Only available on the F8000 when in duty cycle mode)