RE: [PATCH] mmc: Add config_host callback to set a mmc queue
From: ???
Date: Thu Nov 07 2024 - 04:06:27 EST
> On Wed, Nov 06, 2024 at 02:13:47PM +0900, Jangsub Yi wrote:
> > From: "jangsub.yi" <jangsub.yi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > Currently, there is no way to set up a host-dependent MMC queue.
> > In UFS driver, it is possible to configure the request queue in
> > ufshcd_slave_configure.
> >
> > There are cases where we need to configure and check the current state
> > of the request queue on the host operation. For example,
> > mmc_queue->in_recovery, in_flight, mmc_queue->queue->queue_flag, etc.
> >
> > Additionally, since the timeout setting may be longer depending on the
> > device, block layer settings such as timeout are also required.
> >
> > To add the configuration for the MMC queue, I will add the
> > corresponding code and initially try to add it during initialization in
> block.c.
> > The detailed implementation will be done on the host side.
> This seems to lack an actual user and thus just creates dead code.
Currently, there is no way to configure a request queue on the host side.
Although there are various exported symbols in kernel/block/blk-settings.c
that can be used to configure a request queue, users cannot utilize them
as needed.
For example, I want to change the timeout setting by calling
blk_queue_rq_timeout(). Because 60 seconds is too long depending
on the device. Therefore, we need a method for independent configuration
for each host.