Re: [PATCH v4 5/5] tools/memory-model: Distinguish between syntactic and semantic tags

From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Thu Nov 07 2024 - 04:25:26 EST

Am 11/6/2024 um 7:00 PM schrieb Paul E. McKenney:
Never mind, I found your patch in my spam folder.
Glad that got cleared up. I had gotten very confused because you had also responded to the thread with the patch.

> check this commit on -rcu

For future reference, where can I find the -rcu repository? I couldn't find the commit on paulmckrcu/linux, but maybe I looked incorrectly.

Have fun,


> Apologies, and I thought that had been fixed.

One might come to the conclusion that with sufficient effort, things can be un-fixed...