Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] staging: iio: ad9834: Correct phase range check

From: Dan Carpenter
Date: Thu Nov 07 2024 - 05:32:54 EST

On Thu, Nov 07, 2024 at 01:10:14AM +0000, Zicheng Qu wrote:
> User Perspective:
> When a user sets the phase value, the ad9834_write_phase() is called.
> The phase register has a 12-bit resolution, so the valid range is 0 to
> 4095. If the phase offset value of 4096 is input, it effectively exactly
> equals 0 in the lower 12 bits, meaning no offset.
> Reasons for the Change:
> 1) Original Condition (phase > BIT(AD9834_PHASE_BITS)):
> This condition allows a phase value equal to 2^12, which is 4096.
> However, this value exceeds the valid 12-bit range, as the maximum valid
> phase value should be 4095.
> 2) Modified Condition (phase >= BIT(AD9834_PHASE_BITS)):
> Ensures that the phase value is within the valid range, preventing
> invalid datafrom being written.
> Impact on Subsequent Logic: st->data = cpu_to_be16(addr | phase):
> If the phase value is 2^12, i.e., 4096 (0001 0000 0000 0000), and addr
> is AD9834_REG_PHASE0 (1100 0000 0000 0000), then addr | phase results in
> 1101 0000 0000 0000, occupying DB12. According to the section of WRITING
> TO A PHASE REGISTER in the datasheet, the MSB 12 PHASE0 bits should be
> DB11. The original condition leads to incorrect DB12 usage, which
> contradicts the datasheet and could pose potential issues for future
> updates if DB12 is used in such related cases.
> Fixes: 12b9d5bf76bf ("Staging: IIO: DDS: AD9833 / AD9834 driver")
> Cc: <stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Zicheng Qu <quzicheng@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---

Fair enough. Thanks.

Reviewed-by: Dan Carpenter <dan.carpenter@xxxxxxxxxx>

dan carpenter