Re: [RFC PATCH] docs/mm: add VMA locks documentation

From: Hillf Danton
Date: Thu Nov 07 2024 - 06:07:51 EST

On Fri, 1 Nov 2024 18:50:33 +0000 Lorenzo Stoakes <lorenzo.stoakes@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Locking around VMAs is complicated and confusing. While we have a number of
> disparate comments scattered around the place, we seem to be reaching a
> level of complexity that justifies a serious effort at clearly documenting
> how locks are expected to be interacted with when it comes to interacting
> with mm_struct and vm_area_struct objects.
> This is especially pertinent as regards efforts to find sensible
> abstractions for these fundamental objects within the kernel rust
> abstraction whose compiler strictly requires some means of expressing these
> rules (and through this expression can help self-document these
> requirements as well as enforce them which is an exciting concept).
> The document limits scope to mmap and VMA locks and those that are
> immediately adjacent and relevant to them - so additionally covers page
> table locking as this is so very closely tied to VMA operations (and relies
> upon us handling these correctly).
> The document tries to cover some of the nastier and more confusing edge
> cases and concerns especially around lock ordering and page table teardown.
What is missed is the clear guide to the correct locking order.
Is the order below correct for instance?

lock vma
lock vma->vm_mm