RE: Boot-time initiative (SIG) thoughts and next steps

From: Bird, Tim
Date: Thu Nov 07 2024 - 14:35:41 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Saravana Kannan <saravanak@xxxxxxxxxx>
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2024 at 4:45 PM Bird, Tim <Tim.Bird@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > We should discuss what a kernel boot-time tuning guide should look like
> > and how it should be organized. Starting this may be one of the first
> > things the SIG does.
> I wrote something like this for the Android ecosystem

I just took a look at this and it looks like a very handy document.
I think having something like this in the upstream kernel doc would
be great.

> So, I'm happy to add something like this to the kernel doc if we have
> some consensus on having a kernel doc.

I don't hear any objections. I guess we'll get some feedback when we
post some patches to the linux-doc mailing list.

I would say go for it, and copy this list so we can discuss the planned
document format (and content, of course).

A lot of the information in the android doc would apply to the kernel doc.
-- Tim