Re: [PATCH v4 0/5] PCI: EP: Add RC-to-EP doorbell with platform MSI controller
From: Niklas Cassel
Date: Thu Nov 07 2024 - 19:07:39 EST
On Wed, Nov 06, 2024 at 07:41:42PM -0500, Frank Li wrote:
> >
> > So there does seem to be something wrong with the inbound translation,
> > at least when testing on rk3588 which only uses 1MB fixed size BARs:
> >
> >
> It should be fine. Some hardware many append some stream id bits before
> send to ITS.
Some more debugging with the IOMMU on.
EP side start:
[ 14.601081] pci_epc_alloc_doorbell: num_db: 1
[ 14.601588] pci_epf_test_bind: doorbell_addr: 0xf040 (align: 0x10000)
[ 14.602162] pci_epf_test_bind: doorbell_data: 0x0
[ 14.602573] pci_epf_test_bind: doorbell_bar: 0x1
When RC side does:
pcitest -B
[ 109.252900] COMMAND_ENABLE_DOORBELL complete - status: 0x440
[ 109.253406] db_bar: 1 addr: 0xf040 data: 0x0
[ 109.254094] writing: 0x0 to offset: 0xf040 in BAR: 1
[ 119.268887] we wrote to the BAR, status is now: 0x0
EP side results in:
[ 117.894997] pci_epf_enable_doorbell db_bar: 1
[ 117.895399] pci_epf_enable_doorbell: using doorbell_addr: 0xffffff9ff040
[ 117.896517] pci_epf_enable_doorbell: phys_addr: 0xffffff9f0000
[ 117.897037] dw_pcie_ep_set_bar: set_bar: bar: 1 phys_addr: ffffff9f0000 flags: 0x0 size: 0x100000
[ 117.898504] pci_epf_enable_doorbell: success
[ 118.912433] arm-smmu-v3 fc900000.iommu: event 0x10 received:
[ 118.912965] arm-smmu-v3 fc900000.iommu: 0x0000000000000010
[ 118.913508] arm-smmu-v3 fc900000.iommu: 0x0000020000000000
[ 118.914018] arm-smmu-v3 fc900000.iommu: 0x0000ffffff90f040
[ 118.914534] arm-smmu-v3 fc900000.iommu: 0x0000000000000000
Looking at the doorbell_addr, it seems to be a IOMMU address already.
If we look at the ARM SMMU-v3 specification, event 0x10 is:
Translation fault: The address provided to a stage of translation failed the
range check defined by TxSZ/SLx, the address was within a disabled TTBx, or a
valid translation table descriptor was not found for the address.
for event F_TRANSLATION:
is input address.
StreamID is: 0x0, so that looks as expected for rk3588.
(And if the SteamID was incorrect, I would have expected a C_BAD_STREAMID
event instead.)
Comparing the address of the IOMMU error:
with the doorbell addr:
XOR value:
We can see that they are not identical.
When RC side does:
devmem $((0xf0400000+0xf040)) 32 0
it results in the exact same IOMMU error on the EP side as the one above.
However, if I manually append the XOR value:
devmem $((0xf0400000+0xf040+0xf0000)) 32 0
I can see on the EP side:
[ 631.399530] pci_epf_doorbell_handler
[ 631.399850] pci_epf_test_doorbell
So why is the inbound translation incorrect?
Like I told you earlier, rk3588 has fixed size 1MB BARs,
so the BAR_MASK will be:
So the physical address that you write in the iATU:
will actually be:
after reading back the same register from the iATU,
since the lower bits will be masked away.
I'm guessing that you would need to do something like:
diff --git a/drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-test.c b/drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-test.c
index e5b6a65e3e16f..0ab5d61bf0493 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-test.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-test.c
@@ -675,6 +675,9 @@ static void pci_epf_enable_doorbell(struct pci_epf_test *epf_test, struct pci_ep
+ if (epf_test->epc_features->bar[bar].type == BAR_FIXED)
+ align = max(epf_test->epc_features->bar[bar].fixed_size, align);
msg = &epf->db_msg[0].msg;
doorbell_addr = msg->address_hi;
doorbell_addr <<= 32;
@@ -1016,15 +1021,22 @@ static int pci_epf_test_bind(struct pci_epf *epf)
struct msi_msg *msg = &epf->db_msg[0].msg;
u32 align = epc_features->align;
u64 doorbell_addr;
+ enum pci_barno bar;
+ bar = pci_epc_get_next_free_bar(epc_features, test_reg_bar + 1);
align = align ? align : 128;
+ if (epf_test->epc_features->bar[bar].type == BAR_FIXED)
+ align = max(epf_test->epc_features->bar[bar].fixed_size,
+ align);
doorbell_addr = msg->address_hi;
doorbell_addr <<= 32;
doorbell_addr |= msg->address_lo;
reg->doorbell_addr = doorbell_addr & (align - 1);
reg->doorbell_data = msg->data;
- reg->doorbell_bar = pci_epc_get_next_free_bar(epc_features, test_reg_bar + 1);
+ reg->doorbell_bar = bar;
return 0;
I tested the above on top of your series, and now
pcitest -B
works as expected :) yay!
Kind regards,