Re: [PATCH 2/3] sched_ext: Rename scx_bpf_consume() to scx_bpf_dsq_move_to_local()

From: Changwoo Min
Date: Sun Nov 10 2024 - 05:03:28 EST

Hello Tejun,

Overall looks good to me. I have one minior comment:

On 24. 11. 10. 04:48, Tejun Heo wrote:
@@ -6372,9 +6372,8 @@ __bpf_kfunc void scx_bpf_dispatch(struct task_struct *p, u64 dsq_id, u64 slice,
* @enq_flags: SCX_ENQ_*
* Insert @p into the vtime priority queue of the DSQ identified by @dsq_id.
- * Tasks queued into the priority queue are ordered by @vtime and always
- * consumed after the tasks in the FIFO queue. All other aspects are identical
- * to scx_bpf_dsq_insert().
+ * Tasks queued into the priority queue are ordered by @vtime. All other aspects
+ * are identical to scx_bpf_dsq_insert().

I suggest keeping this part, "and always consumed after the tasks
in the FIFO queue." Otherwise, IIRC, there is no place to explain
the priority between FIFO and priority DSQs explicitly.

Changwoo Min