Re: [PATCH v2] mtd: spi-nor: macronix: remove mx25u25635f from parts list to enable SFDP

From: Tudor Ambarus
Date: Mon Nov 11 2024 - 05:49:23 EST

On 11/5/24 10:58 AM, Parth Pancholi wrote:
> From: Parth Pancholi <parth.pancholi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> The Macronix mx25u25635f flash device supports SFDP initialization.
> This commit removes the specific mx25u25635f entry (NOR ID 0xc22539),
> along with its size and flags, from the NOR parts list. By removing
> this entry, both mx25u25635f and mx25u25645g (which share the same
> NOR ID) will utilize the generic flash driver configuration.
> This change allows both devices (mx25u25635f and mx25u25645g) to
> leverage SFDP-defined parameters, enabling dual and quad read
> operations without the need for manual adjustment of no_sfdp_flags.

I'm fine with this. We may re-add an entry when BP is used or if someone
reports there's a flash with this ID that doesn't support SFDP, which
has a reasonable amount of probability for macronix flashes, but I'm ok
taking the risk and fixing it afterwards if reported.

Waiting a bit more to get Michael's and Pratyush's opinions on this too.