Re: [PATCH md-6.13] md: remove bitmap file support
From: Dragan Milivojević
Date: Mon Nov 11 2024 - 09:07:43 EST
On 11/11/2024 14:02, Yu Kuai wrote:
TBO, I don't know what is this. :(
It's just a website where you can post text content, notes basically. I use it
with mailing list where messages get rejected if I attach a file.
I prefer not to include long debug logs, test logs etc in the body as it will just
get quoted endless amount of times and pollute the thread. Old habit from the days
when blackquoting was a thing and kilobytes mattered.
Yes, this is a known problem, the gap here is that I don't think
external bitmap is much helpful, while your result disagree.
bitmap internal 64M
mdadm --verbose --create --assume-clean --bitmap=internal --bitmap-chunk=64M /dev/md/raid5 --name=raid5 --level=5 --chunk=64K --raid-devices=5 /dev/nvme{1..5}n1
for dev in /dev/nvme{1..5}n1; do blockdev --setra 256 $dev; done
blockdev --setra 1024 /dev/md/raid5
echo 8 > /sys/block/md127/md/group_thread_cnt
echo 8192 > /sys/block/md127/md/stripe_cache_size
The array set up is fine. And the following external bitmap is using
/bitmap/bitmap.bin, does the back-end storage of this file the same as
test device?
No, I used one of the extra devices.
fio --filename=/dev/md/raid5 --direct=1 --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=1 --runtime=60 --numjobs=1 --group_reporting --time_based --name=Raid5
Then this is what I suspected, the above test is quite limited and can't
replace the real world workload, 1 thread 1 iodepth with 4k randwrite.
That is true. I went down this rabbit hole because I was getting worse results
with a RAID5 array than with a single disk using real world workload, PostgreSQL in my case.
I chose these test parameters as a worst case scenario.
I did test with other parameters, did a whole battery of test with iodepth of 1 and 8 and
BS sizes 4K,8,16 all the way to 2048K. It shows similar behaviour.
For example:
5 disk RAID5, 64K chunk, default internal bitmap, iodepth 8
4K 574 146993 53.58 21.63 0 7.50% 13.25 59.30
8K 1127 144268 54.75 19.48 0 4.39% 11.25 61.50
16K 2084 133387 59.32 16.53 0 2.87% 10.52 63.03
32K 3942 126151 62.67 21.59 1 1.30% 13.03 60.14
64K 7225 115606 68.64 19.31 1 1.03% 9.58 65.30
128K 7947 63580 124.73 22.66 1 1.91% 8.94 63.48
256K 9216 36867 216.49 26.47 1 0.51% 2.65 69.43
512K 8065 16130 494.82 42.43 1 1.25% 2.41 72.56
1024K 8130 8130 983.01 64.22 1 0.97% 0.92 73.38
2048K 10685 5342 1496.28 132.24 0 2.50% 0.75 68.89
4K 1 375 21318.71 5059.72 0 41.06% 0.10 0.38
8K 2 354 22548.71 3084.57 0 4.90% 0.11 0.35
16K 5 346 23107.64 2517.95 0 9.77% 0.11 0.49
32K 13 420 19001.29 5500.62 0 34.75% 0.22 1.30
64K 33 530 15064.25 3916.28 0 8.07% 0.29 2.92
128K 79 637 12549.72 3249.85 0 3.99% 0.72 4.60
256K 184 739 10812.12 2576.32 0 34.02% 3.81 4.32
512K 307 615 12995.86 2891.70 0 2.99% 2.31 4.31
1024K 611 611 13071.85 3287.53 0 6.96% 3.60 8.42
2048K 1051 525 15209.81 3562.27 0 35.79% 8.67 20.12
Bitmap none, array with the same settings (previous array was shut down, drives were "cleansed" with nvme format)
4K 571 146399 53.80 25.07 0 5.17% 13.54 58.45
8K 1147 146866 53.87 17.48 0 3.10% 11.20 59.26
16K 1970 126136 62.70 20.11 0 2.64% 11.06 58.88
32K 3519 112637 70.36 23.60 1 1.98% 11.05 54.55
64K 6502 104037 76.27 21.71 1 1.52% 9.60 60.40
128K 7886 63093 126.05 21.88 1 1.19% 6.84 65.40
256K 9446 37787 211.05 27.00 1 0.77% 3.60 69.37
512K 8397 16794 475.58 42.16 1 1.45% 1.85 71.99
1024K 8510 8510 939.13 55.02 1 1.01% 1.00 72.60
2048K 11035 5517 1448.77 84.14 1 1.99% 0.74 73.49
4K 195 50151 158.96 48.56 1 1.13% 5.74 34.68
8K 264 33897 235.39 77.11 1 1.32% 4.60 34.46
16K 343 22003 362.88 111.80 1 1.70% 5.34 37.17
32K 645 20642 386.83 145.86 0 33.84% 6.48 45.15
64K 917 14680 543.97 170.23 0 3.01% 6.05 53.27
128K 1416 11332 704.94 202.18 0 4.66% 9.69 57.63
256K 1394 5576 1433.60 375.88 1 1.52% 8.53 24.93
512K 1726 3452 2316.19 500.19 1 1.18% 12.38 30.54
1024K 2598 2598 3077.47 629.37 0 2.53% 18.74 47.02
2048K 2457 1228 6508.20 1825.67 0 3.32% 28.70 61.01
Reads are fine but writes are many times slower ...
I still can't believe your test result, and I can't figure out why
internal bitmap is so slow. Hence I use ramdisk(10GB) to create a raid5,
and use the same fio script to test, the result is quite different from
ram0: 981MiB/s
non-bitmap: 132MiB/s
internal-bitmap: 95.5MiB/s
I don't know, I can provide full fio test logs including fio "tracing" for these iodepth 8
tests if that would make any difference.
There is absolutely something wrong here, it doesn't make sense to me
that internal bitmap is so slow. However, I have no idea until you can
provide the perf result.
I may be able to find time to do that over the weekend, but don’t hold me to it.
The test setup will not be the same, server is in production ...
I did leave some "spare" partitions on all drives to investigate this issue further
but did not find the time.
Please send me an example of how would you like me to run the perf tool, I haven't used
it much.