Re: [PATCH v6 3/7] Adjust symbol ordering in text output section

From: Klara Modin
Date: Mon Nov 11 2024 - 16:34:21 EST

On 2024-11-11 21:43, Rong Xu wrote:
Thanks for reporting this issue!

I'm assuming your kernel build enables dead code elimination and
uses the --ffunction-sections compiler flag. Without this patch, all
the functions
-- I think there are only .text.unlikely.* and .text.* are grouped
together in the
final vmlinux. This patch modifies the linker script to place
.text.unlikely.* functions
before .text.* functions. I've examined arch/mips/kernel/, and
haven't found any obvious issue.

Can you send me the following?
(1) the kernel build command
(2) without the patch
(3) with the patch

Best regards,


I don't set -ffunction-sections explicitly but it seems to be used when I look at the .cmd files. The build command is nothing fancy, I just set ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabin32- and build with make -j24.

I've attached the, built on next-20241111 as well as it with this series reverted.

Klara Modin

Description: application/gzip

Description: application/gzip