Re: [sos-linux-ext-patches] [RFC 04/14] x86/apic: Initialize APIC backing page for Secure AVIC

From: Melody (Huibo) Wang
Date: Mon Nov 11 2024 - 17:45:08 EST

Hi Neeraj,

On 9/13/2024 4:36 AM, Neeraj Upadhyay wrote:

> +static void init_backing_page(void *backing_page)
> +{
> + u32 val;
> + int i;
> +
> + val = read_msr_from_hv(APIC_LVR);
> + set_reg(backing_page, APIC_LVR, val);
> +

When you read the register from hypervisor, there is certain value defined in APM Table 16-2. APIC Registers, says APIC_LVR has value 80??0010h out of reset.

More specifically, Bit 31 is set which means the presence of extended APIC registers, and Bit 4 is set which is part of version number: "The local APIC implementation is identified with a value=1Xh (20h-FFh are

I think you should verify those values instead of just reading from the hypervisor. Also, I think you probably should verify all of registers you read from the hypervisor before you use them in the guest. In other words, sanitize the inputs from the hypervisor.
