Am 08.11.24 um 09:10 schrieb Jocelyn Falempe:
Add a module parameter, to increase the font size for HiDPI screen.
Even with CONFIG_FONT_TER16x32, it can still be a bit small to read.
In this case, adding drm_log.scale=2 to your kernel command line will
double the character size.
Can't we have larger fonts instead?
Best regards
Signed-off-by: Jocelyn Falempe <jfalempe@xxxxxxxxxx>
* Change scale parameter to unsigned int (Jani Nikula)
drivers/gpu/drm/drm_log.c | 27 ++++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_log.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_log.c
index e6900c6b96436..4dc7be2288ab7 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_log.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_log.c
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Jocelyn Falempe");
+static unsigned int scale = 1;
+module_param(scale, uint, 0444);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(scale, "Integer scaling factor for drm_log, default is 1");
* DOC: overview
@@ -38,6 +42,8 @@ struct drm_log_scanout {
const struct font_desc *font;
u32 rows;
u32 columns;
+ u32 scaled_font_h;
+ u32 scaled_font_w;
u32 line;
u32 format;
u32 px_width;
@@ -66,7 +72,7 @@ static struct drm_log *console_to_drm_log(struct console *con)
static void drm_log_blit(struct iosys_map *dst, unsigned int dst_pitch,
const u8 *src, unsigned int src_pitch,
- u32 height, u32 width, u32 scale, u32 px_width, u32 color)
+ u32 height, u32 width, u32 px_width, u32 color)
switch (px_width) {
case 2:
@@ -86,7 +92,7 @@ static void drm_log_blit(struct iosys_map *dst, unsigned int dst_pitch,
static void drm_log_clear_line(struct drm_log_scanout *scanout, u32 line)
struct drm_framebuffer *fb = scanout->buffer->fb;
- unsigned long height = scanout->font->height;
+ unsigned long height = scanout->scaled_font_h;
struct iosys_map map;
struct drm_rect r = DRM_RECT_INIT(0, line * height, fb->width, height);
@@ -106,8 +112,8 @@ static void drm_log_draw_line(struct drm_log_scanout *scanout, const char *s,
size_t font_pitch = DIV_ROUND_UP(font->width, 8);
const u8 *src;
u32 px_width = fb->format->cpp[0];
- struct drm_rect r = DRM_RECT_INIT(0, scanout->line * font->height,
- fb->width, (scanout->line + 1) * font->height);
+ struct drm_rect r = DRM_RECT_INIT(0, scanout->line * scanout- >scaled_font_h,
+ fb->width, (scanout->line + 1) * scanout- >scaled_font_h);
u32 i;
if (drm_client_buffer_vmap_local(scanout->buffer, &map))
@@ -117,9 +123,10 @@ static void drm_log_draw_line(struct drm_log_scanout *scanout, const char *s,
for (i = 0; i < len && i < scanout->columns; i++) {
u32 color = (i < prefix_len) ? scanout->prefix_color : scanout->front_color;
src = drm_draw_get_char_bitmap(font, s[i], font_pitch);
- drm_log_blit(&map, fb->pitches[0], src, font_pitch, font- >height, font->width,
- 1, px_width, color);
- iosys_map_incr(&map, font->width * px_width);
+ drm_log_blit(&map, fb->pitches[0], src, font_pitch,
+ scanout->scaled_font_h, scanout->scaled_font_w,
+ px_width, color);
+ iosys_map_incr(&map, scanout->scaled_font_w * px_width);
@@ -204,8 +211,10 @@ static int drm_log_setup_modeset(struct drm_client_dev *client,
return -ENOMEM;
mode_set->fb = scanout->buffer->fb;
- scanout->rows = height / scanout->font->height;
- scanout->columns = width / scanout->font->width;
+ scanout->scaled_font_h = scanout->font->height * scale;
+ scanout->scaled_font_w = scanout->font->width * scale;
+ scanout->rows = height / scanout->scaled_font_h;
+ scanout->columns = width / scanout->scaled_font_w;
scanout->front_color = drm_draw_color_from_xrgb8888(0xffffff, format);
scanout->prefix_color = drm_draw_color_from_xrgb8888(0x4e9a06, format);
return 0;