Re: [PATCH] Documentation/CoC: spell out enforcement for unacceptable behaviors

From: Mark Brown
Date: Tue Nov 12 2024 - 09:45:30 EST

On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 02:50:45PM -0700, Shuah Khan wrote:
> On 11/11/24 13:07, Simona Vetter wrote:

> > Personal take, but I think a forced public apology as the primary or at
> > least initial coc enforcement approach is one of the worst.


> This document isn't intended to be a complete summary of all actions the
> CoC takes in response to reports. There is a lot of back and forth with
> the individuals to bring about change before the CoC asks for an apology.

I guess it would be good to explicitly call out (possibly in an
incremental change on top of this one) that the specific enforcement
steps here are examples, and are mainly for cases where a more
mediation/education based approach fails or extreme cases where they're
inappropriate? Neither the existing document nor the current change
make that explicit (at least to my reading), it's clear from for example
the reports that are sent that the existing practice is to try to use
those approaches first but I'm not sure that people would realise that
from this document alone.

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