Re: can/should a disabled irq become pending?

From: Nuno Sá
Date: Wed Nov 13 2024 - 05:35:16 EST

Hi Thomas,

On Wed, 2024-11-13 at 04:40 +0100, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
> Uwe!
> On Tue, Nov 12 2024 at 23:08, Uwe Kleine-König wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 08:35:13PM +0100, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
> > > IRQ_DISABLE_UNLAZY solves a different problem. See commit e9849777d0e2
> > > ("genirq: Add flag to force mask in disable_irq[_nosync]()") See the
> > > full discussion at:
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> >
> > I found that thread already before. I didn't understand the
> > motivation/problem fixed there though as the thread start is missing on
> > lore. I guess the problem was "taking each interrupt twice" as mentioned
> > in the commit log, but I don't grokk that either. What means "taken"?
> > The controller's irq routine called; or the driver's handler? Or
> > something in hardware? I don't see something being done twice.
> The problem on that particular hardware is that disabling interrupts at
> the device level is not working. That's discussed somewhere in the
> thread. The device seems to always raise an interrupt during the
> disabled time. So with lazy disable this will invoke the corresponding
> low level flow handler which sees 'disabled' and masks it.
> On enable the interrupt is unmasked and retriggered. That double
> handling costs quite some performance.
> > If I understand correctly, IRQ_DISABLE_UNLAZY is only an optimisation,
> > but isn't supposed to affect correctness.
> That's correct.
> > > > My conclusions from this are:
> > >
> > > >  - the rpi GPIO controller should be fixed not to honor
> > >
> > > I don't think that there is something to fix which is specific to the
> > > RPI GPIO controller. IRQ_DISABLE_UNLAZY is clearly defined and of course
> > > it will cause the problem #2 for edge type interrupts on such chips.
> >
> > So a driver making use of IRQ_DISABLE_UNLAZY must know itself if the
> > irq is provided by such a problematic controller?
> What I meant is that this is a problem which affects all interrupt chips
> which disable the edge detection logic on mask().
> > > Ignoring IRQ_DISABLE_UNLAZY might be the right thing to do for this
> > > AD7*** use case, but is it universially correct?
> >
> > If the device driver is agnostic to which irq controller is used (which
> > it should be) it must be prepared to handle an irq that triggered while
> > it was masked.
> The interrupt does not get to the device handler even in the lazy
> disable case. Once the driver invoked disable_irq*() the low level flow
> handlers (edge, level ...) mask the interrupt line and marks the
> interrupt pending. enable_irq() retriggers the interrupt when the
> pending bit is set, except when the interrupt line is level triggered.

There's something that I'm still trying to figure... For IRQ controllers that not
disable edge detection, can't we get the device handler called twice if we don't set

irq_enable() - > check_irq_resend()

and then

handle_edge_irq() raised by the controller

Or is the core handling this somehow? I thought IRQS_REPLAY could be doing the trick
but I'm not seeing how...

> > > It's probably correct to do so for edge type interrupts. For level type,
> > > not so much.
> >
> > I'm missing a few details here to follow. E.g. is a level irq supposed
> > to become pending when the irq line gets only shortly active while the
> > irq is masked or while irqs are disabled globally?
> Level type interrupts are not transient by definition. They stay
> asserted until the driver acknowledged them in the device. That's why
> level triggered interrupts are excluded from retrigger. The hardware
> takes care of that already. So UNLAZY just works for level triggered
> interrupts.
> On controllers which suffer from the #2 problem UNLAZY should indeed be
> ignored for edge type interrupts. That's something which the controller
> should signal via a irqchip flag and the core code can act upon it and
> ignore UNLAZY for edge type interrupts.
> But that won't fix the problem at hand. Let's take a step back and look
> at the larger picture whether this can be reliably "fixed" at all.

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure when it's correct for a device to do UNLAZY? If I'm
understanding things, devices that rely on disable_irq*() should set it? Because
problem #2 is something that needs to be handled at the controller and core level if
I got you right.

> The lazy disable case:
>    disable_irq();
>    // After this point the drivers interrupt handler is not longer
>    // invoked. An eventually raised interrupt causes the line to
>    // be masked and the interrupt is marked pending.
>    do_spi_transfer();   // Triggers interrupt because of stupid hardware
>    enable_irq();        // Interrupt is retriggered in software
>    device_handler()
> The UNLAZY case where the interrupt controller does not disable edge
> detection is not really different:
>    disable_irq();
>    // After this point the drivers interrupt handler is not longer
>    // invoked. The line is masked
>    do_spi_transfer();   // Triggers interrupt because of stupid hardware
>                         // which is marked pending in the interrupt controller
>    enable_irq();        // Interrupt is raised by the interrupt controller
>    device_handler()
> In both cases the device handler is up the creek without a paddle
> because it cannot tell whether this is a real data ready interrupt or
> just the artifact of the SPI transfer.
> The UNLAZY case where the interrupt controller disables edge
> detection suffers from a different problem:
>    disable_irq();
>    // After this point the drivers interrupt handler is not longer
>    // invoked. The line is masked
>    do_spi_transfer();   // Triggers interrupt because of stupid hardware
>                         // which is ignored by the interrupt controller
>    enable_irq();        // Races against data ready interrupt
> If enable_irq() is invoked _after_ the device triggered the data ready
> interrupt, then the interrupt is lost.

And this had the side effect for things to work with such controllers. See [1]. That
was affecting "single shot" conversions rather than IIO buffering (continuous mode)
where the pending IRQ was firing right after enable_irq() causing a completion to be
signaled and then not reading a valid sample.

I see now that was a bandaid and not a proper fix and won't work with all

> IOW, there is no reliable software solution for this problem unless you
> have a microcontroller where you have finegrained control over all of
> this.
> The proper way to handle this for a general purpose CPU/OS is to gate off
> the interrupt line in hardware when there is a SPI transfer in progress:
>     /RDY ---|>o---|&&
>                   |&&------ CPU interrupt pin (raising edge)
>     /CS  ---------|&&
> > > >  - the ad7124 driver needs some additional logic to check the actual
> > > >    line state in the irq handler to differentiate between "real" irqs
> > > >    and spurious ones triggered by SPI transfers[1];
> >
> > Do you agree that this is necessary? I created a patch for that and
> > Jonathan had some doubts this is a valid approach.
> Something needs to be done obviously.
> > > > [1] it can only check the level, not a passed edge, but that seems to
> > > >     work in practise
> > >
> > > Right, because once the pin is in /RDY mode again it stays low until the
> > > next update happens.
> > >
> > > But this requires that the chip is connected to a GPIO based interrupt
> > > line. Non GPIO based interrupt controllers are not providing a line
> > > state readback.
> >
> > Ack. If there is no way to read back the line state and it's unknown if
> > the irq controller suffers from problem #2, the only way to still
> > benefit from the irq is to not use IRQ_DISABLE_UNLAZY and only act on
> > each 2nd irq; or ignore irqs based on timing. That doesn't sound very
> > robust though, so maybe the driver has to fall back on polling the
> > status register and not use irqs at all in that case.
> Actually ignoring the first interrupt after a SPI transfer and waiting
> for the next conversion to raise the interrupt again should be robust
> enough. The ADC has to be in continous conversion mode for that
> obviously.

Might be the only sane option we have, Uwe? If we do this, we could be dropping valid
samples but only with controllers that suffer from #2. And in that case, we can loose
samples anyways due to the irq_enable() race.


Thanks for all the clarifications!
- Nuno Sá