Re: [PATCH RESEND v2 0/2] driver core: bus: Fix issues related to bus_rescan_devices_helper()
From: Zijun Hu
Date: Wed Nov 13 2024 - 08:47:18 EST
On 2024/11/12 19:48, Greg Kroah-Hartman wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 07:18:00PM +0800, Zijun Hu wrote:
>> This patch series is to fix issues related to bus_rescan_devices_helper().
>> The function is improperly used for 2 incompatible scenarios as
>> explained below:
>> Scenario A: scan drivers for a single device user specify
>> - user may care about precise synchronous scanning result, so the
>> function can not collapse error codes.
> I do not understand this, what is wrong that this is fixing?
for scanning drivers for single device, it gives user wrong scanning
result(success or failure).
patch 1/2 is a concrete example.
>> Scenario B: scan drivers for all devices of a bus
>> - user may need to scan drivers for a bus's devices as many as
>> possible, so the function needs to ignore inconsequential error
>> codes for a device in order to continue to scan for next device.
> How often is that needed? And why can't that still work with the
> existing code?
1) API bus_rescan_devices() invokes it and can't achieve its design
purpose due to error described above.
2) as shown by recent mainlined commit, usage of API
bus_rescan_devices() have been dropped due to some bugs.
Commit: 3d6ebf16438d ("cxl/port: Fix cxl_bus_rescan() vs
3) there are only 2 usages for the API now.
// does not do what the comments say
// do multi repeated iterating, can be simplified if fix the API bugs
4) i have more reply in below link about the API's bugs.
we may go to patch 2/2 to continue discussion.
> thanks,
> greg k-h