Re: LKFT CI: improving Networking selftests results when validating stable kernels

From: Shuah Khan
Date: Wed Nov 13 2024 - 14:04:48 EST

On 11/8/24 11:21, Matthieu Baerts wrote:
Hello LKFT maintainers, CI operators,

First, I would like to say thank you to the people behind the LKFT
project for validating stable kernels (and more), and including some
Network selftests in their tests suites.

A lot of improvements around the networking kselftests have been done
this year. At the last Netconf [1], we discussed how these tests were
validated on stable kernels from CIs like the LKFT one, and we have some
suggestions to improve the situation.

KSelftests from the same version

According to the doc [2], kselftests should support all previous kernel
versions. The LKFT CI is then using the kselftests from the last stable
release to validate all stable versions. Even if there are good reasons
to do that, we would like to ask for an opt-out for this policy for the
networking tests: this is hard to maintain with the increased
complexity, hard to validate on all stable kernels before applying
patches, and hard to put in place in some situations. As a result, many
tests are failing on older kernels, and it looks like it is a lot of
work to support older kernels, and to maintain this.

This is from the Documentation/dev-tools/kselftest.rst:
Kselftest from mainline can be run on older stable kernels. Running tests
from mainline offers the best coverage. Several test rings run mainline
kselftest suite on stable releases. The reason is that when a new test
gets added to test existing code to regression test a bug, we should be
able to run that test on an older kernel. Hence, it is important to keep
code that can still test an older kernel and make sure it skips the test
gracefully on newer releases.

As it states, running tests from mainline increases the coverage when new
tests are added to regression test an existing kernel feature in a stable

It also says that when mainline tests are running on an older kernel, the
test should detect missing features and report skips.

The above paragraph addresses test developers and users. I would say the
policy regarding the test development will not change. We want to keep
it the same, continuing to take measures to skip tests when a feature
isn't supported in the kernel the tests are running on. This addresses
not just a kernel and test revision mismatch, but also when a feature
isn't enabled when kernel and test revisions match.

This policy helps us find bugs in the tests failing when they should
skip. If test rings move to a new policy, our ability to find bugs
like this goes down.

As per users and test ring maintainers, they need to be aware of the
reduced coverage if they revision match kernel and tests.
Revision matching example: 6.11.8 tests on 6.11.8 stable

Greg KH and other stable maintainers can weigh in on whether they would
like LKFT to go from running mainline tests on stable releases to
revision matching.

Many networking tests are validating the internal behaviour that is not
exposed to the userspace. A typical example: some tests look at the raw
packets being exchanged during a test, and this behaviour can change
without modifying how the userspace is interacting with the kernel. The
kernel could expose capabilities, but that's not something that seems
natural to put in place for internal behaviours that are not exposed to
end users. Maybe workarounds could be used, e.g. looking at kernel
symbols, etc. Nut that doesn't always work, increase the complexity, and
often "false positive" issue will be noticed only after a patch hits
stable, and will cause a bunch of tests to be ignored.

Regarding fixes, ideally they will come with a new or modified test that
can also be backported. So the coverage can continue to grow in stable
versions too.

The assumption that new tests can be backported is incorrect. It goes
against the stable rules. We backport fixes and not new features and
new tests.

Running kselftests from the same release will reduce coverage when a new
test is added to regression test a 6.11 feature. This happens more often
than not.
Revision matching example: 6.11.8 tests on 6.11.8 stable

Do you think that from the kernel v6.12 (or before?), the LKFT CI could
run the networking kselftests from the version that is being validated,
and not from a newer one? So validating the selftests from v6.12.1 on a
v6.12.1, and not the ones from a future v6.16.y on a v6.12.42.

It is expected that there will be more skipped tests as you run tests
from mainline on stable releases. You will see more skips on older

An alternative would be to revision match for older stables. New tests
could be written for 6.12 which should be run on 6.11 and maybe not on
6.1 depending on missed coverage.

Before changing the current approach, it is important to understand that
running mainline tests on stable releases increases test coverage and that
newer tests will not be backported and that the coverage gap will increase

-- Shuah