Re: 回复: [PATCH v2] sched/eevdf: Force propagating min_slice of cfs_rq when a task changing slice

From: Tianchen Ding
Date: Wed Nov 13 2024 - 21:46:28 EST

On 2024/11/13 19:50, 解 咏梅 wrote:
Similar problem as commit d2929762 & 8dafa9d0, but this time heap integrity is corrupted by min_slice attr.
commit eab03c23c fixed it by explicitly calling __dequeue_entity and __enqueue_entity in reweight_entity.

But, it's rare case, it only happens when adjust task's select by setting up scheduler attribute.

It's not rare. Since it's in enqueue/dequeue common path, wakeup/sleep may also trigger this issue.
