[PATCH v2 00/22] Add Intel Touch Host Controller drivers

From: Even Xu
Date: Thu Nov 14 2024 - 00:34:36 EST

Intel Touch Host Controller (THC) is a new high performance input IP
which can benefit HID device's data transaction, such as touch screen,
touch pad, stylus.

THC IP now evoluates to V4, it can support 3 different modes: IPTS,
HIDSPI and HIDI2C. Here are upgrade history:
- THC v1, for TGL/LKF, supports intel private IPTS (Intel Precise Touch
and Stylus) protocol ( IPTS mode)
- THC v2, for ADL, add industrial standard HID over SPI protocol support
(HIDSPI mode)
- THC v3, for MTL, enhance HID over SPI mode
- THC v4, for LNL, add inudstrial standard HID over I2C protocol support
(HIDI2C mode)

Linux Surface community (https://github.com/linux-surface) already
implemented IPTS mode. These patch series provides THC HIDSPI mode and
THC HIDI2C mode support on Linux.

These patch series includes:
1. Document for THC hardware and software introduction.
2. Intel THC Hardware layer driver which provides control interfaces
for protocol layer.
3. Intel QuickSPI (R) driver working as a HIDSPI device driver which
implements HID over SPI protocol and flow.
4. Intel QuickI2C (R) driver working as a HIDI2C device driver which
implements HID over I2C protocol and flow.

Change logs:
- Fix document format issues
- Add THC device IDs for Intel Panther Lake (PTL) platform

I wrote a wrong maillist name for linux-input by mistake when sent out
v1 patch series, which caused linux-input maillist missed v1 version.
When I recognized, I already got some review comments from other
maillist, then v1 patch series was resent, so this is first version to
linux-input maillist, sorry for that.

Even Xu (13):
HID: THC: Add documentation
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-thc: Add THC DMA interfaces
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-thc: Add THC I2C config interfaces
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quickspi: Add THC QuickSPI driver hid layer
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quickspi: Add THC QuickSPI ACPI interfaces
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quickspi: Add HIDSPI protocol implementation
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quickspi: Add PM implementation
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quicki2c: Add THC QuickI2C driver skeleton
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quicki2c: Add THC QuickI2C driver hid layer
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quicki2c: Add THC QuickI2C ACPI interfaces
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quicki2c: Add HIDI2C protocol implementation
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quicki2c: Complete THC QuickI2C driver
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quicki2c: Add PM implementation

Xinpeng Sun (9):
HID: intel-thc-hid: Add basic THC driver skeleton
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-thc: Add THC registers definition
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-thc: Add THC PIO operation APIs
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-thc: Add APIs for interrupt
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-thc: Add THC LTR interfaces
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-thc: Add THC interrupt handler
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-thc: Add THC SPI config interfaces
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quickspi: Add THC QuickSPI driver skeleton
HID: intel-thc-hid: intel-quickspi: Complete THC QuickSPI driver

Documentation/hid/index.rst | 1 +
Documentation/hid/intel-thc-hid.rst | 584 +++++++
drivers/hid/Kconfig | 2 +
drivers/hid/Makefile | 2 +
drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/Kconfig | 42 +
drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/Makefile | 22 +
.../intel-quicki2c/pci-quicki2c.c | 966 +++++++++++
.../intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-dev.h | 186 +++
.../intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-hid.c | 166 ++
.../intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-hid.h | 14 +
.../intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-protocol.c | 219 +++
.../intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-protocol.h | 20 +
.../intel-quickspi/pci-quickspi.c | 985 +++++++++++
.../intel-quickspi/quickspi-dev.h | 172 ++
.../intel-quickspi/quickspi-hid.c | 165 ++
.../intel-quickspi/quickspi-hid.h | 14 +
.../intel-quickspi/quickspi-protocol.c | 413 +++++
.../intel-quickspi/quickspi-protocol.h | 25 +
.../intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-dev.c | 1446 +++++++++++++++++
.../intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-dev.h | 116 ++
.../intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-dma.c | 969 +++++++++++
.../intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-dma.h | 146 ++
.../intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-hw.h | 878 ++++++++++
include/linux/hid-over-i2c.h | 117 ++
include/linux/hid-over-spi.h | 155 ++
26 files changed, 7831 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Documentation/hid/intel-thc-hid.rst
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/Kconfig
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/Makefile
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quicki2c/pci-quicki2c.c
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-dev.h
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-hid.c
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-hid.h
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-protocol.c
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quicki2c/quicki2c-protocol.h
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quickspi/pci-quickspi.c
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quickspi/quickspi-dev.h
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quickspi/quickspi-hid.c
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quickspi/quickspi-hid.h
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quickspi/quickspi-protocol.c
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-quickspi/quickspi-protocol.h
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-dev.c
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-dev.h
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-dma.c
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-dma.h
create mode 100644 drivers/hid/intel-thc-hid/intel-thc/intel-thc-hw.h
create mode 100644 include/linux/hid-over-i2c.h
create mode 100644 include/linux/hid-over-spi.h
