Re: [PATCH 4/4] pidfs: implement fh_to_dentry

From: Erin Shepherd
Date: Thu Nov 14 2024 - 07:21:42 EST

On 14/11/2024 11:29, Christian Brauner wrote:
>> Moudlo namespaces, the pid in fid->pid is the same one passed to pidfd_open().
>> In the root namespace, you could replace name_to_handle_at(...) with
>> pidfd_open(fid->pid, 0) and get the same result (if both are successful, at least).
>> The resulting pidfd points to the same struct pid. The only thing that should differ
>> is whether PIDFD_THREAD is set in f->f_flags.
> I see what you mean but then there's another problem afaict.
> Two cases:
> (1) @pidfd_thread_group = pidfd_open(1234, 0)
> The pidfd_open() will succeed if the struct pid that 1234 resolves
> to is used as a thread-group leader.
> (2) @pidfd_thread = pidfd_open(5678, PIDFD_THREAD)
> The pidfd_open() will succeed even if the struct pid that 5678
> resolves to isn't used as a thread-group leader.
> The resulting struct file will be marked as being a thread pidfd by
> raising O_EXCL.
> (1') If (1) is passed to name_to_handle_at() a pidfs file handle is
> encoded for 1234. If later open_by_hande_at() is called then by
> default a thread-group leader pidfd is created. This is fine
> (2') If (2) is passed to name_to_handle_at() a pidfs file handle is
> encoded for 5678. If later open_by_handle_at() is called then a
> thread-group leader pidfd will be created again.
> So in (2') the caller has managed to create a thread-group leader pidfd
> even though the struct pid isn't used as a thread-group leader pidfd.
> Consequently, that pidfd is useless when passed to any of the pidfd_*()
> system calls.
> So basically, you need to verify that if O_EXCL isn't specified with
> open_by_handle_at() that the struct pid that is resolved is used as a
> thread-group leader and if not, refuse to create a pidfd.
> Am I making sense?

Ah, I fully see what you mean now.

I could implement and check the flags there, but
that runs into the issue of vfs_open resetting the flags afterwards so its
entirely pointless. If PIDFD_THREAD wasn't in the set O_CREAT / O_EXCL /
O_NOCTTY / O_TRUNC then this would be much easier, but alas; and its ABI now

I guess the options are

1. Let an FS specify that it doesn't want O_EXCL cleared, but this is getting
   to be some gnarly VFS surgery, or
2. We just detect we're working on a pidfd early in open_by_handle_at and
   skip straight into dedicated logic.

I know you suggested (2) earlier and I increasingly think you're right about
it being the best approach. It also fits better with the special casing PIDFD_SELF
will want when that lands.

So I'll see what an implementation with that approach looks like.

>> If they want a PIDFD_THREAD pidfd, yes. I see it as similar to O_RDONLY, where its a
>> flag that applies to the file descriptor but not to the underlying file.
> This is probably fine.
>> While ideally we'd implement it from an API completeness perspective, practically I'm
>> not sure how often the option would ever be used. While there are hundreds of reasons
>> why you might want to track the state of another process, I struggle to think of cases
>> where Process A needs to track Process B's threads besides a debugger (and a debugger
>> is probably better off using ptrace), and it can happily track its own threads by just
>> holding onto the pidfd.
> We recently imlemented PIDFD_THREAD support because it is used inside
> Netflix. I forgot the details thought tbh. So it's actually used. We
> only implemented it once people requested it.
Oh, I entirely understand the utility of PIDFD_THREAD - I'm just not sure how mnay of
those use cases are cross-process (and in the cases where they are cross process, how many
of those uses would benefit from file handles vs fd passing)