Re: [PATCH] nvme-pci: 512 byte aligned dma pool segment quirk
From: Robert Beckett
Date: Thu Nov 14 2024 - 08:35:58 EST
---- On Thu, 14 Nov 2024 11:38:03 +0000 Paweł Anikiel wrote ---
> Hi all,
> I've been tracking down an issue that seems to be related (identical?) to
> this one, and I would like to propose a different fix.
> I have a device with the aforementioned NVMe-eMMC bridge, and I was
> experiencing nvme read timeouts after updating the kernel from 5.15 to
> 6.6. Doing a kernel bisect, I arrived at the same dma pool commit as
> Robert in the original thread.
> After trying out some changes in the nvme-pci driver, I came up with the
> same fix as in this thread: change the alignment of the small pool to
> 512. However, I wanted to get a deeper understanding of what's going on.
> After a lot of analysis, I found out why the nvme timeouts were happening:
> The bridge incorrectly implements PRP list chaining.
> When doing a read of exactly 264 sectors, and allocating a PRP list with
> offset 0xf00, the last PRP entry in that list lies right before a page
> boundary. The bridge incorrectly (?) assumes that it's a pointer to a
> chained PRP list, tries to do a DMA to address 0x0, gets a bus error,
> and crashes.
> When doing a write of 264 sectors with PRP list offset of 0xf00,
> the bridge treats data as a pointer, and writes incorrect data to
> the drive. This might be why Robert is experiencing fs corruption.
> So if my findings are right, the correct quirk would be "don't make PRP
> lists ending on a page boundary".
This is interesting.
I had the same idea previously. I initially just changed the hard coded 256 / 8 to use 31 instead, which should have ensured the last entry of each segment never gets used.
When I tested that, it not longer failed, which was a good sign. So then I modified it to only do that on the last 256 byte segment of a page, but then is started failing again.
This lead me to believe it was not a chaining issue specifically, so I went looking for other hypotheses, eventually setting on 512 byte alignment.
I never saw any bus error during my testing, just wrong data read, which then fails image verification. I was expecting iommu error logs if it was trying to access a chain in to nowhere if it always interpreted last entry in page as a link. I never saw any iommu errors.
> Changing the small dma pool alignment to 512 happens to fix the issue
> because it never allocates a PRP list with offset 0xf00. Theoretically,
> the issue could still happen with the page pool, but this bridge has
> a max transfer size of 64 pages, which is not enough to fill an entire
> page-sized PRP list.
> Robert, could you check that the fs corruption happens only after
> transfers of size 257-264 and PRP list offset of 0xf00? This would
> confirm my theory.
I'd be glad to if you could share your testing method.
Currently I use a desync image verification which does lots of reads in parallel and is the only method I've found so far that can repro in a reasonable amount of time.