Re: [PATCH v9 0/9] PCI: Add PCIe bandwidth controller

From: Krzysztof Wilczyński
Date: Thu Nov 14 2024 - 12:46:18 EST


> How attached are we to "bwctrl" and "pwrctl" as the names?
> I just noticed that we have "ctrl" for bandwidth control but "ctl" for
> power control, which is slightly annoying to keep straight.
> "ctrl" is more common in the tree:
> $ find -name \*ctrl\*[ch] | wc -l
> 691
> $ find -name \*ctl\*[ch] | wc -l
> 291
> so I would prefer that, although "pwrctl" is already in the tree (as
> of v6.11), so it would be more disruptive to change it than to rename
> "bwctrl".

If I may, I would also lean towards the "pwrctrl" name. The "ctl" suffix
makes me think of a command-line utility, a CLI, so to speak, where such
suffix is commonly used e.g., sysctl, etcdctl, kubectl; also, all the
systemd binaries, etc.
