Re: [PATCH] nvme-pci: 512 byte aligned dma pool segment quirk
From: Keith Busch
Date: Thu Nov 14 2024 - 13:24:21 EST
On Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 07:50:00PM +0000, Bob Beckett wrote:
> From: Robert Beckett <bob.beckett@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> We initially put in a quick fix of limiting the queue depth to 1
> as experimentation showed that it fixed data corruption on 64GB
> steamdecks.
> After further experimentation, it appears that the corruption
> is fixed by aligning the small dma pool segments to 512 bytes.
> Testing via desync image verification shows that it now passes
> thousands of verification loops, where previously
> it never managed above 7.
> Currently it is not known why this fixes the corruption.
> Perhaps it is doing something nasty like using an mmc page
> as a cache for the prp lists (mmc min. page size is 512 bytes)
> and not invalidating properly, so that the dma pool change to
> treats segment list as a stack ends up giving a previous
> segment in the same cached page.
> This fixes the previous queue depth limitation as it fixes
> the corruption without incurring a 37% tested performance
> degredation.
> Fixes: 83bdfcbdbe5d ("nvme-pci: qdepth 1 quirk")
I had this queued up for the nvme-6.12 pull request, which I'm about to
send out, but I guess we should drop it until we conclude this
discussion. With 6.12 likely to be released on Sunday, this better
mitigation would need to target 6.13, then stable.
FWIW, given the current understanding with the last entry boundary
chaining idea, the QD1 mitigates that by always allocating a 0 page
offset prp list. So it effectively works around whatever errata we're
dealing with, albeit with an unsurprising performance penalty.