Re: [PATCH] Bluetooth: qca: Support downloading board id specific NVM for WCN6855
From: Jens Glathe
Date: Fri Nov 15 2024 - 02:27:41 EST
On 14.11.24 10:49, Paul Menzel wrote:
Dear Zijun,
Thank you for your patch.
Am 14.11.24 um 07:26 schrieb Zijun Hu:
Download board id specific NVM instead of default for WCN6855 if board
id is available, and that is required by Lenovo ThinkPad X13s.
Could you please start by describing the problem/motivation. What does
not work with the Lenovo ThinkPad X13s before your pacth.
What is variant *g*?
Maybe also describe the file naming convention in the commit message.
Hi Paul,
Zijun was so kind to review my RFC patch [1] and post an alternate
implementation. The problem is/was that the default firmware patch files
for WCN6855 don't enable the possible quality and range that you get
with board specific files, which are now [2] available in
linux-firmware. It is not only the Lenovo Thinkpad X13s that is
affected, it is quite a range of devices.
The variant *g* is a SoC variant with some extended capabilities as it
seems. The X13s doesn't have it, the Windows Dev Kit 2023 and the HP
Omnibook X14 have it. I have no real information about what the
difference is, but there is code in btqca.c to generate distinct
firmware names.
with best regards