Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] arm64: dts: mediatek: Introduce MT8188 Geralt platform based Ciri
From: Fei Shao
Date: Mon Nov 18 2024 - 00:27:33 EST
On Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 6:09 PM AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
<angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Il 11/11/24 08:10, Fei Shao ha scritto:
> > On Fri, Nov 8, 2024 at 12:11 PM Fei Shao <fshao@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, Nov 7, 2024 at 6:37 PM AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
> >> <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Il 07/11/24 07:58, Fei Shao ha scritto:
> >>>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2024 at 9:19 PM AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
> >>>> <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Il 05/11/24 10:30, Fei Shao ha scritto:
> >>>>>> Introduce MT8188-based Chromebook Ciri, also known commercially as
> >>>>>> Lenovo Chromebook Duet (11", 9).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Ciri is a detachable device based on the Geralt design, where Geralt is
> >>>>>> the codename for the MT8188 platform. Ciri offers 8 SKUs to accommodate
> >>>>>> different combinations of second-source components, including:
> >>>>>> - audio codecs (RT5682S and ES8326)
> >>>>>> - speaker amps (TAS2563 and MAX98390)
> >>>>>> - MIPI-DSI panels (BOE nv110wum-l60 and IVO t109nw41)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Signed-off-by: Fei Shao <fshao@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>>>>> ---
> > [...]
> >>>>>> +&pmic {
> >>>>>> + interrupts-extended = <&pio 222 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
> >>>>>> +};
> >>>>>> +
> >>>>>> +&scp {
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Is this SCP-dual or SCP?
> >>>>> I see SCP, but I also see a SCP-Dual memory region... what's going on here?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Of course, the SCP-Dual won't work if you don't override the compatible string...
> >>>>
> >>>> To clarify, the second SCP core is used for MIPI camera in downstream,
> >>>> and I deliberately only describe the first SCP core here since the MTK
> >>>> camera ISP driver isn't in upstream at the moment.
> >>>> I had a fixup patch for removing the scp-dual reserved memory region,
> >>>> but likely it was missing during the rebase... let me check again if
> >>>> it can be removed, just in case there's firmware protecting the region
> >>>> and the kernel shouldn't access it.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Hmm... but the second SCP core can still be brought up, even if the MIPI Camera
> >>> driver is not upstreamed yet, right?
> >>
> >> Well, that's true... and it should pave the way for validating the
> >> driver with the upstreamed DT whenever that becomes available.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> That shouldn't cause lockups and/or other kinds of bad behavior, and should
> >>> bring up a core and just never use it, without any particular issues.
> >>>
> >>> If we can enable the secondary core, let's just go for it.. as that will help
> >>> specifying the exact memory layout of this board (and failing to do that may
> >>> create some other issues, that's why I'm proposing to enable that even if it
> >>> is not really used in this case).
> >>>
> >>> What do you think? :-)
> >>>
> >>
> >> Sure, that sounds good to me, too.
> >> I started only with the essential DT bits to ensure the device can
> >> boot, which it does, so I guess it's time to bring that back. I'll
> >> incorporate that in v3.
> >> I plan to fix up the single SCP core node to SCP-dual directly, so
> >> please let me know if you prefer seeing that as an individual patch on
> >> top (either option works for me).
> >>
> >
> > In fact, I noticed that it seems to require modifying mt8188.dtsi (and
> > potentially mt8390-genio-700-evk.dts) to support the second SCP core,
> > but I want to avoid doing so in this series if possible to keep this
> > as a pure new .dts introduction (if that makes sense).
> >
> > I can think of 3 options here:
> > 1. I resend this series *with* the single SCP core enabled in
> > -geralt.dtsi. And then I send a follow-up series to introduce the
> > second SCP core and update the affected .dts{,i}.
> > 2. I resend this series *without* any SCP cores in -geralt.dtsi. And
> > then I send a follow-up series to introduce both of the SCP cores at
> > once, and update the affected .dts{,i}.
> > 3. I delete the parent (mt8188) scp declaration and re-describe the
> > dual-core SCP structure in -geralt.dtsi. This avoids touching
> > mt8188.dtsi and mt8390-genio-700-evk but leaves the dual-core SCP
> > stuff exclusively to geralt/ciri. I don't know if MT8390 wants to
> > utilize the second SCP core or not.
> >
> > I guess (3) is less likely what we want down the line, but that's just
> > for reference. Any preference/suggestion?
> >
> I want to verify with MediaTek whether the Genio 700 EVK can make use of the
> dual-core SCP first, as it is highly possible that it indeed can and, if that
> is the case, counting that any product development would be anyway based on
> the EVK.... we will probably never see single-core SCP in MT8188 devicetrees
> ever again.
> Please send the Geralt/Ciri devicetrees without SCP support for now, so that
> we can get the vast majority of the code upstream - which anyway is likely
> 95% of what you have right now... then I will either notify you for how to
> proceed with the SCP (especially if I come to a conclusion before you send
> the new series), or I will just send the SCP DT series on my own.
Noted. This is currently on the back burner as I have other tasks at
hand, but I'll get back to it ASAP (hopefully later this week).
> Cheers,
> Angelo