Efistub permanent warning depending on number of boot entries. Can anyone try to en-light me?
From: Eric Valette
Date: Mon Nov 18 2024 - 06:12:54 EST
All of sudden, I saw a permanent new warning message from EFI code when
booting my Linux machine:
EFI stub: WARNING: Failed to measure data for event 1: 0800000000000000b
After a bit of investigation I saw it came from efistub code but as it
also happened on old kernel that did not exhibit the message initially,
I was wondering if it was related to efi BIOS change made by M$ (SBAT
dual boot problem was fresh...).
I hunted the web but found nothing really accurate and the gave up.
Then, one day, I decided to clean up the old kernel images I had
accumulated in my /boot directory, not by hand, but by doing:
apt remove --purge linux-image-6.6.x linux-headers-6.6.x
Thus calling update-grub at the end of the process
And by chance, I noticed that the EFI warning message was gone.
This morning I compiled a fresh 6.6.62 kernel and message was back.
Rebooted several time, and it was always there.
Then Did
apt remove --purge linux-image-6.6.60 linux-headers-6.6.60
To keep only previous working kernel and message was gone.
My system is debian unstable + experimental stuff for kde6
grub on my system it at version 2.12 and shim 15.8.
Note that I have two windows system detected by grub and another linux.
They are bootable via efi or grub for some (those that are on the same
disk) but as the problem seems to be only related to a given system boot
Has anyone an explanation. Please share it.
PS;: please CC me as I'm not subscribed.
Eric Valette