Re: [PATCH v13 0/7] drm/vkms: Add support for YUV and DRM_FORMAT_R*

From: Louis Chauvet
Date: Mon Nov 18 2024 - 13:49:38 EST

On 18/11/24 - 19:43, Louis Chauvet wrote:
> This series depends on [1].
> This patchset is extracted from [1]. The goal is to introduce the YUV
> support, thanks to Arthur's work.
> - PATCH 1: Add the support of YUV formats
> - PATCH 2: Add some drm properties to expose more YUV features
> - PATCH 3: Cleanup the todo
> - PATCH 4..6: Add some kunit tests
> - PATCH 7: Add the support of DRM_FORMAT_R1/2/4/8
> [1]:
> Changes since previous series:
> - Fix build test as modules issue:
> - Export required symbols in DRM core to use them in kunit
> - Update the kunit comments according to Maxime's feedback
> - Link to original series:

Sorry for the mistake, it is not a v13, but a v1, I think I did something
wrong with b4.

Do I need to resend a v1 or just continue the numbering with v14, v15...

Louis Chauvet