Re: [PATCH net] can: can327: fix snprintf() limit in can327_handle_prompt()

From: Max Staudt
Date: Mon Nov 18 2024 - 19:49:21 EST

Hi all,

As promised, here is a patch cleaning up can327's payload "encoding" (the hex dump part), plus a comment explaining why Dan's finding turned out not to be security relevant. It's as Vincent already explained, plus additional background information:

I've taken the liberty of not CC'ing the network maintainers on that patch, hence this email with a pointer to it for anyone interested. In the end, while it looked worrying at first, it ended up being just a minor cleanup.

Thanks Dan for pointing out that ugly piece of code. I'd really like to one day find the time to do some further cleanup, and especially further commenting in order to reduce the bus factor, but oh well...
