Re: [PATCH v2] scsi: ufs: core: Add ufshcd_send_bsg_uic_cmd() for UFS BSG

From: Ziqi Chen
Date: Tue Nov 19 2024 - 01:12:27 EST

On 11/19/2024 2:02 PM, Avri Altman wrote:
User layer applications can send UIC GET/SET commands via the BSG
framework, and if the user layer application sends a UIC SET command to the
PA_PWRMODE attribute, a power mode change shall be initiated in UniPro
and two interrupts shall be triggered if the power mode is successfully
changed, i.e., UIC Command Completion interrupt and UIC Power Mode

The current UFS BSG code calls ufshcd_send_uic_cmd() directly, with which
the second interrupt, i.e., UIC Power Mode interrupt, shall be treated as
unhandled interrupt. In addition, after the UIC command is completed, user
layer application has to poll UniPro and/or M-PHY state machine to confirm
the power mode change is finished.

Add a new wrapper function ufshcd_send_bsg_uic_cmd() and call it from
ufs_bsg_request() so that if a UIC SET command is targeting the
PA_PWRMODE attribute it can be redirected to ufshcd_uic_pwr_ctrl().

Fixes tag?
Thank Avri, will update new version to add Fixes tag.

Signed-off-by: Can Guo <quic_cang@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Ziqi Chen <quic_ziqichen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
With that fixed:
Reviewed-by: Avri Altman <avri.altman@xxxxxxx>

V1 -> V2: Rebased on Linux 6.13