Re: [PATCH net-next v4 3/3] selftests: nic_performance: Add selftest for performance of NIC driver

From: Paolo Abeni
Date: Tue Nov 19 2024 - 05:12:34 EST

On 11/14/24 20:25, Mohan Prasad J wrote:
> +#Setup:
> +#Connect the DUT PC with NIC card to partner pc back via ethernet medium of your choice(RJ45, T1)
> +#
> +# DUT PC Partner PC
> +#┌───────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────┐
> +#│ │ │ │
> +#│ │ │ │
> +#│ ┌───────────┐ │ │
> +#│ │DUT NIC │ Eth │ │
> +#│ │Interface ─┼─────────────────────────┼─ any eth Interface │
> +#│ └───────────┘ │ │
> +#│ │ │ │
> +#│ │ │ │
> +#└───────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────────┘
> +#
> +#Configurations:
> +#To prevent interruptions, Add ethtool, ip to the sudoers list in remote PC and get the ssh key from remote.
> +#Required minimum ethtool version is 6.10
> +#Change the below configuration based on your hw needs.
> +# """Default values"""
> +#time_delay = 8 #time taken to wait for transitions to happen, in seconds.
> +#test_duration = 10 #performance test duration for the throughput check, in seconds.
> +#send_throughput_threshold = 80 #percentage of send throughput required to pass the check
> +#receive_throughput_threshold = 50 #percentage of receive throughput required to pass the check

Very likely we will have to tune the thresholds and possibly make them
dependent on the H/W and S/W setup (Kconf), but overall I think it makes
sense as a first step.

