Re: [PATCH v5 1/6] dt-bindings: Add Blaize vendor prefix

From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Tue Nov 19 2024 - 11:01:20 EST

On 19/11/2024 16:23, Nikolaos Pasaloukos wrote:
> Hi Krzysztof,
> That's a very tricky error to pick it up. `checkpatch` on my end doesn't produce
> an error. The header file on my patches starts as:
> 'From: Nikolaos Pasaloukos <nikolaos.pasaloukos@xxxxxxxxxx>'
> I had set the mail account as Forname: Nikolaos, Surname: Pasaloukos and
> preferred name as Niko. It is an Outlook365 issue I think.
> That said, when I was trying to send my patches, the mail server was converting
> my name 'Nikolaos Pasaloukos' to the preferred name 'Niko Pasaloukos'.

Usually it is not a problem to commit patches with one name and send
with other - git send-email will properly add two From headers like:

If your git history has correct From matching SoB, then indeed
checkpatch on your end will not complain.

If that is the case, it means your SMTP server *rewrites* the From
header. Not nice... but what to expect from Microsoft? They learnt open
source just recently and before open source was communism for them...

You can change your local name to match whatever Microsoft wants to set
or you can use b4 relay to send the patches.

> Do I need to resend v5 again after this is fixed, having applied all the
> additional Reviewed-by? What would be my next step here?

Yes, please resend a v5 with tags applied and fixed problem with From/SoB.

Best regards,