Re: [PATCH 0/2] vmxnet3: Fix inconsistent DMA accesses

From: Brian Johannesmeyer
Date: Tue Nov 19 2024 - 12:11:22 EST

> What is the purpose of the first patch? Is it sufficient to make
> the device work correctly?
The purpose of the first patch is to fix the inconsistent accesses in
`vmxnet3_probe_device()`. This only partially fixes the issue,
however, because there are inconsistent accesses elsewhere in the
driver. So, no, it does not make the device work *entirely* correctly.

> If yes, why do we need patch 2.
> If no, why do we have patch 1, instead of a revert / patch 2...
The answer is that the way I submitted this patch series was a
mistake. Specifically, I submitted it as: (i) patch 1 is applied on
master, *and* (ii) patch 2 is applied on patch 1.

Instead, the way I should have submitted it was: (i) patch 1 is
applied on master, *or* (ii) a corrected version of patch 2 is applied
on master. (By "a corrected version of patch 2", I mean not
pointlessly reverting patch 1.)

The difference being:
- If `adapter` *should* be mapped to DMA, then patch 1 is the way to go. Or,
- If `adapter` *should not* be mapped to DMA, then a corrected version
of patch 2 is the way to go.

I hope this clears things up. I'm sorry for the confusion I caused. I
will submit a V2 patch series that makes this clear.

