Re: [PATCH net v2 1/2] net: phy: replace phydev->eee_enabled with eee_cfg.eee_enabled

From: Choong Yong Liang
Date: Wed Nov 20 2024 - 05:48:30 EST

On 19/11/2024 5:47 pm, Oleksij Rempel wrote:
Sorry for the late reply; I just got back from my sick leave. I wasn't aware
that you had already submitted a patch. I thought I should include it in my
patch series. However, I think I messed up the "Signed-off" part. Sorry
about that.

The testing part actually took quite some time to complete, and I was
already sick last Friday. I was only able to complete the patch series and
resubmit the patch, and I thought we could discuss the test results from the
patch series. The issue was initially found with EEE on GPY PHY working
together with ptp4l, and it did not meet the expected results. There are
many things that need to be tested, as it is not only Marvell PHY that has
the issue.

Hm, the PTP issue with EEE is usually related to PHYs implementing the
EEE without MAC/LPI support. This PHYs are buffering frames and changing
the transmission time, so if the time stamp is made by MAC it will have
different real transmission time. So far i know, Atheros and Realtek
implement it, even if it is not always officially documented, it can be


Thanks, Oleksij, for the suggestion.
The actual problem we are facing is that the software and hardware configuration is not in sync.

With the following patches applied, the issues were fixed: