Re: [PATCH 3/3] can: flexcan: handle S32G2/S32G3 separate interrupt lines

From: Ciprian Marian Costea
Date: Wed Nov 20 2024 - 06:43:47 EST

On 11/20/2024 1:33 PM, Marc Kleine-Budde wrote:
On 20.11.2024 13:02:56, Ciprian Marian Costea wrote:
On 11/20/2024 12:54 PM, Marc Kleine-Budde wrote:
On 20.11.2024 12:47:02, Ciprian Marian Costea wrote:
The mainline driver already handles the 2nd mailbox range (same
'flexcan_irq') is used. The only difference is that for the 2nd mailbox
range a separate interrupt line is used.

AFAICS the IP core supports up to 128 mailboxes, though the driver only
supports 64 mailboxes. Which mailboxes do you mean by the "2nd mailbox
range"? What about mailboxes 64..127, which IRQ will them?

On S32G the following is the mapping between FlexCAN IRQs and mailboxes:
- IRQ line X -> Mailboxes 0-7
- IRQ line Y -> Mailboxes 8-127 (Logical OR of Message Buffer Interrupt
lines 127 to 8)

By 2nd range, I was refering to Mailboxes 8-127.

Interesting, do you know why it's not symmetrical (0...63, 64...127)?
Can you point me to the documentation.

Unfortunately I do not know why such hardware integration decisions have
been made.

Documentation for S32G3 SoC can be found on the official NXP website,

But please note that you need to setup an account beforehand.

I have that already, where is the mailbox to IRQ mapping described?


If you have successfully downloaded the Reference Manual for S32G2 or S32G3
SoC, it should have attached an excel file describing all the interrupt

I downloaded the S32G3 Reference Manual:


It's a pdf. Where can I find the execl file?

Correct, and in the software used after opening the pdf file (Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit PDF Reader, etc.) you should be able to find some excel files attached to it.


In the excel file, if you search for 'FlexCAN_0' for example, you should be
able to find IRQ lines 39 and 40 which correspond to Maiboxes 0-7 and 8-129
(ored) previously discussed.
