Re: [PATCH RFC 0/2] Avoid reprogram all keys to Inline Crypto Engine for MMC runtime suspend resume

From: Seshu Madhavi Puppala
Date: Thu Nov 21 2024 - 00:17:20 EST

On 10/25/2024 2:12 PM, Ulf Hansson wrote:
On Fri, 25 Oct 2024 at 04:56, Eric Biggers <ebiggers@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 01:07:18AM +0200, Ulf Hansson wrote:
On Wed, 23 Oct 2024 at 23:31, Eric Biggers <ebiggers@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Sun, Oct 06, 2024 at 07:25:28PM +0530, Seshu Madhavi Puppala wrote:
Crypto reprogram all keys is called for each MMC runtime
suspend/resume in current upstream design.

Is that correct? I thought that similar to what is done for UFS, the key
reprogramming happens only after the MMC controller is reset. I thought that is
different from a runtime suspend.

Looks like Seshu is not really worried about the host's runtime
suspend, but the card's runtime suspend.

Perhaps there are some out of tree code involved here that makes use
of MMC_CAP_AGGRESSIVE_PM, which is what allows the card to be runtime

If it's in fact triggering more often, maybe that is what needs to be fixed?

We could extend the runtime PM autosusend timeout for the card, if
that makes sense.

This change aims to address host side feature by not tying it up to card side flag/feature.
Kind regards

The keyslots are being reprogrammed from mmc_set_initial_state(), which is
documented as:

* Set initial state after a power cycle or a hw_reset.
void mmc_set_initial_state(struct mmc_host *host)

It's called by: mmc_power_up(), mmc_power_off(), _mmc_hw_reset(), and

Can that mean a power cycle of the card, not a power cycle of the host

Yes, that's correct.

Well, indirectly the host is likely to be power cycled too, but not necessarily.

The keyslots are part of the host controller, so that may explain
the problem. The keyslots should be reprogrammed only when the host controller
is reset, as that is when they are lost. (And it should not be skipped entirely
as this patchset does, as a host controller reset is possible.)

This will be update via a separate patch by invoking reprogram_all_keys API from sdhci_msm_gcc_reset() API


I am not an expert in MMC or in the details of how Qualcomm ICE is wired up to
the system, so I might have this wrong. But let me know if it sounds right.

It sounds reasonable to me, but I also don't know the HW well enough
to be able to tell.

Looks like we need some more input from Seshu and the QC folkz to
understand better.

Kind regards