Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: qcom: qcs9100: Update memory map for QCS9100 Ride and QCS9100 Ride Rev3

From: Pratyush Brahma
Date: Thu Nov 21 2024 - 06:38:55 EST

On 11/20/2024 5:24 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 01:41:03AM +0530, Kuldeep Singh wrote:

On 11/19/2024 2:55 PM, Pratyush Brahma wrote:
This patch series is based on Tengfei Fan's patches [1] which adds support
for QCS9100 Ride and QCS9100 Ride Rev3 boards.

Some new carveouts (viz. gunyah_md and a few pil dtb carveouts) have been
introduced and the size and base addresses have been updated for
a few of existing carveouts compared to SA8775P. Also, tz_ffi_mem carveout
and its corresponding scm reference has been removed as it is not required
for these boards. Incorporate these changes in the updated memory map
for QCS9100 Ride and QCS9100 Rev3 boards.


Signed-off-by: Pratyush Brahma <quic_pbrahma@xxxxxxxxxxx>
The memory map for qcs9100-ride-r3 and qcs9100-ride is exactly same.
A good churn you are first deleting(based on sa8775p) and then re-adding
for qcs9100-ride*.

I think it's better to move common qcs9100-ride* to a common file ex:
qcs9100-ride.dtsi and keep specifics further to .dts files?

This will ensure common entities are present at same place with no
I'd second this proposal.
Ok then, I see that there are some thermal and gpu enablement changes as well in the pipeline to be posted.
Having a common dtsi file for these iot socs would help in reducing the duplication at board
dts file level for all these changes. In that regard, does naming it
"sa8775-iot.dtsi" sound good? The board files can include this dtsi.

Thanks and Regards
Pratyush Brahma