Re: [PATCH net-next v5 00/19] xdp: a fistful of generic changes (+libeth_xdp)
From: Willem de Bruijn
Date: Thu Nov 21 2024 - 13:42:26 EST
Alexander Lobakin wrote:
> From: Willem De Bruijn <willemdebruijn.kernel@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 10:43:12 -0500
> > Alexander Lobakin wrote:
> >> From: Willem De Bruijn <willemdebruijn.kernel@xxxxxxxxx>
> >> Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 10:14:28 -0500
> >>
> >>> Alexander Lobakin wrote:
> >>>> From: Willem De Bruijn <willemdebruijn.kernel@xxxxxxxxx>
> >>>> Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2024 10:31:08 -0500
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >>>> libeth_xdp depends on every patch from the series. I don't know why you
> >>>> believe this might anyhow move faster. Almost the whole series got
> >>>> reviewed relatively quickly, except drivers/intel folder which people
> >>>> often tend to avoid.
> >>>
> >>> Smaller focused series might have been merged already.
> >>
> >> Half of this series merged wouldn't change that the whole set wouldn't
> >> fit into one window (which is what you want). Half of this series merged
> >> wouldn't allow sending idpf XDP parts.
> >
> > I meant that smaller series are easier to facilitate feedback and
> > iterate on quickly. So multiple focused series can make the same
> > window.
> You get reviews on more patches with bigger series. I'm not saying 19 is
> fine, but I don't see any way how this series split into two could get
> reviewed and accepted in full if the whole series didn't do that.
> And please don't say that the delays between different revisions were
> too long. I don't remember Mina sending devmem every single day. I
> already hit the top negative review:series ratio score this window while
> I was reviewing stuff when I had time.
> Chapter II also got delayed a bit due to that most of the maintainers
> were on vacations and I was helping with the reviews back then as well.
> It's not only about code when it comes to upstream, it's not just you
> and me being here.
> [...]
> >> I clearly remember Kuba's position that he wants good quality of
> >> networking core and driver code. I'm pretty sure every netdev maintainer
> >> has the same position. Again, feel free to argue with them, saying they
> >> must take whatever trash is sent to LKML because customer X wants it
> >> backported to his custom kernel Y ASAP.
> >
> > Not asking for massive changes, just suggesting a different patch
> > order. That does not affect code quality.
> >
> > The core feature set does not depend on loop unrolling, constification,
> I need to remind once again that you have mail from me somewhere
> describing every patch in detail and why it's needed?
> When we agreed with Kuba to drop stats off the Chapter II, it took me a
> while to resolve all the dependencies, but you keep saying that wasting
> time on downgrading code is better and faster than upstreaming what was
> already done and works good.
> > removal of, etcetera. These can probably be reviewed
> You see already that I even receive additional requests (Amit).
> Sometimes generic (and not only) changes cause chain reaction and you
> can't say to people "let me handle this later", because there's once
> again no "later" here.
> idpf still has 3 big lists of todos/followups to be done since it was
> upstreamed and I haven't seen any activity here (not my team
> responsibility), so I don't believe in "laters".
> > and merged more quickly independent from this driver change, even.
> >
> > Within IDPF, same for for per queue(set) link up/down and chunked
> > virtchannel messages. A deeper analysis can probably carve out
> > other changes not critical to landing XDP/XSK (sw marker removal).
> You also said once that XDP Rx Hints can be implemented in 3 lines,
> while it took couple hundred and several revisions for Larysa to
> implement it in ice.
> Just BTW, even if Chapter 3 + 4 + 5 is taken literally today, XDP
> doesn't work on C0 board revisions at all because the FW is broken and I
> also doesn't have any activity in fixing this for half a year already.
I am not aware of this restriction. Definitely have been running
variants of your github version on various boards. Let's discuss