Re: MAINTAINERS: HyperBK - altenate kernel by Hyperbola project

From: sk-alexis
Date: Thu Nov 21 2024 - 15:28:50 EST

Hey there,

We would like to share with the Linux kernel community, to current and
past maintainers, our efforts to release a pre-alpha version of HyperBK,
an alternate kernel, which is part of a bigher HyperbolaBSD project - a
full GNU inspired BSD-descendant operating system.

Since 2017 we ported software like Xenocara and LibreSSL from OBSD, to
our system-distribution (Arch / Parabola and our own packaging-scripts,
Debian security patches). Our focus has now turned to creating a
copyleft hard-fork of OpenBSD-kernel, v7.0. The kernel is already
enhanced for a different stack of build-tools, like FreeBSD make(1) and,
also several issue fixing, inclusion of other components from the Linux
side has well has other BSD distributions. Complete source code license
audit, improving upon LibreBSD scripting work, basically mapping out
necessary rewrites, results documented in:
Furthermore we provide HyperRC (Gentoo Open-RC fork), HyperBLibC and
hyperman our own package manager (fork of pacman) that all will work on

We are sending this message, to present our vision, providing software
to all.
Has team, has limited funding and are struggling to provide adequate
technical assistance. If you disagree with the recent decisions, then
maybe our project might be of some interest. For any questions, happy to
respond, you are more then welcome to join. Look at our wiki, and to
check current state of the project, please review:


