Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: qcom: qcs9100: Update memory map for QCS9100 Ride and QCS9100 Ride Rev3
From: Kuldeep Singh
Date: Fri Nov 22 2024 - 01:04:55 EST
On 11/22/2024 12:20 AM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 05:08:22PM +0530, Pratyush Brahma wrote:
>> On 11/20/2024 5:24 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 01:41:03AM +0530, Kuldeep Singh wrote:
>>>> On 11/19/2024 2:55 PM, Pratyush Brahma wrote:
>>>>> This patch series is based on Tengfei Fan's patches [1] which adds support
>>>>> for QCS9100 Ride and QCS9100 Ride Rev3 boards.
>>>>> Some new carveouts (viz. gunyah_md and a few pil dtb carveouts) have been
>>>>> introduced and the size and base addresses have been updated for
>>>>> a few of existing carveouts compared to SA8775P. Also, tz_ffi_mem carveout
>>>>> and its corresponding scm reference has been removed as it is not required
>>>>> for these boards. Incorporate these changes in the updated memory map
>>>>> for QCS9100 Ride and QCS9100 Rev3 boards.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Pratyush Brahma <quic_pbrahma@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> The memory map for qcs9100-ride-r3 and qcs9100-ride is exactly same.
>>>> A good churn you are first deleting(based on sa8775p) and then re-adding
>>>> for qcs9100-ride*.
>>>> I think it's better to move common qcs9100-ride* to a common file ex:
>>>> qcs9100-ride.dtsi and keep specifics further to .dts files?
>>>> This will ensure common entities are present at same place with no
>>>> duplicates.
>>> I'd second this proposal.
>> Ok then, I see that there are some thermal and gpu enablement changes as
>> well in the pipeline to be posted.
> What kind of changes? It's really hard to make a judgement if you don't
> describe what is happening>
>> Having a common dtsi file for these iot socs would help in reducing the
>> duplication at board
>> dts file level for all these changes. In that regard, does naming it
>> "sa8775-iot.dtsi" sound good? The board files can include this dtsi.
> qcs9100.dtsi?
Looks good to me.
If there are let's say below variants for qcs9100 in future as well.
Ex: qcs9100-ride, qcs9100-ride-XX, qcs9100-ride-YY
or qcs9100-XX, qcs9100-YY
Then I think we can think of common filenames like qcs9100.dtsi,
qcs9100-ride.dtsi etc.