[PATCH net v2 2/2] net: ethernet: oa_tc6: fix tx skb race condition between reference pointers

From: Parthiban Veerasooran
Date: Fri Nov 22 2024 - 05:23:04 EST

There are two skb pointers to manage tx skb's enqueued from n/w stack.
waiting_tx_skb pointer points to the tx skb which needs to be processed
and ongoing_tx_skb pointer points to the tx skb which is being processed.

SPI thread prepares the tx data chunks from the tx skb pointed by the
ongoing_tx_skb pointer. When the tx skb pointed by the ongoing_tx_skb is
processed, the tx skb pointed by the waiting_tx_skb is assigned to
ongoing_tx_skb and the waiting_tx_skb pointer is assigned with NULL.
Whenever there is a new tx skb from n/w stack, it will be assigned to
waiting_tx_skb pointer if it is NULL. Enqueuing and processing of a tx skb
handled in two different threads.

Consider a scenario where the SPI thread processed an ongoing_tx_skb and
it moves next tx skb from waiting_tx_skb pointer to ongoing_tx_skb pointer
without doing any NULL check. At this time, if the waiting_tx_skb pointer
is NULL then ongoing_tx_skb pointer is also assigned with NULL. After
that, if a new tx skb is assigned to waiting_tx_skb pointer by the n/w
stack and there is a chance to overwrite the tx skb pointer with NULL in
the SPI thread. Finally one of the tx skb will be left as unhandled,
resulting packet missing and memory leak.

To overcome the above issue, protect the moving of tx skb reference from
waiting_tx_skb pointer to ongoing_tx_skb pointer so that the other thread
can't access the waiting_tx_skb pointer until the current thread completes
moving the tx skb reference safely.

Fixes: 53fbde8ab21e ("net: ethernet: oa_tc6: implement transmit path to transfer tx ethernet frames")
Signed-off-by: Parthiban Veerasooran <parthiban.veerasooran@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/net/ethernet/oa_tc6.c | 4 ++++
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/oa_tc6.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/oa_tc6.c
index 4c8b0ca922b7..2ddb1faafe55 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/oa_tc6.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/oa_tc6.c
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ struct oa_tc6 {
struct mii_bus *mdiobus;
struct spi_device *spi;
struct mutex spi_ctrl_lock; /* Protects spi control transfer */
+ struct mutex tx_skb_lock; /* Protects tx skb handling */
void *spi_ctrl_tx_buf;
void *spi_ctrl_rx_buf;
void *spi_data_tx_buf;
@@ -1004,8 +1005,10 @@ static u16 oa_tc6_prepare_spi_tx_buf_for_tx_skbs(struct oa_tc6 *tc6)
for (used_tx_credits = 0; used_tx_credits < tc6->tx_credits;
used_tx_credits++) {
if (!tc6->ongoing_tx_skb) {
+ mutex_lock(&tc6->tx_skb_lock);
tc6->ongoing_tx_skb = tc6->waiting_tx_skb;
tc6->waiting_tx_skb = NULL;
+ mutex_unlock(&tc6->tx_skb_lock);
if (!tc6->ongoing_tx_skb)
@@ -1240,6 +1243,7 @@ struct oa_tc6 *oa_tc6_init(struct spi_device *spi, struct net_device *netdev)
tc6->netdev = netdev;
SET_NETDEV_DEV(netdev, &spi->dev);
+ mutex_init(&tc6->tx_skb_lock);

/* Set the SPI controller to pump at realtime priority */
tc6->spi->rt = true;