Re: [PATCH] powerpc: Transliterate author name and remove FIXME

From: Christophe Leroy
Date: Sat Nov 23 2024 - 05:19:44 EST

Le 23/11/2024 à 04:01, Michael Ellerman a écrit :
Thorsten Blum <thorsten.blum@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
On 11. Nov 2024, at 02:11, Michael Ellerman wrote:
Thorsten Blum <thorsten.blum@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
The name is Mimi Phuong-Thao Vo.

Is that the correct spelling?

The github commit below suggests it's Mimi Phûông-Thåo Võ.

And presumably the author preferred that spelling, otherwise they would
have just written it in ASCII in the first place.

Hi Michael,

Are you suggesting to keep "Mimi Ph\373\364ng-Th\345o V\365" and a FIXME
instead of changing it to "Mimi Phuong-Thao Vo" which is how she spells
her name on her LinkedIn profile and other websites?

No I'm not suggesting to leave it as-is.

But I also suspect they spell it that way on LinkedIn etc. because it's
the path of least resistance, not because it's the correct spelling.

I was hoping someone who's more familiar with Vietnamese (I believe)
spelling would chime in and tell us which is correct.

I doubt anyone prefers their name to be spelled with octal escape
Sure, but it wouldn't have been octal escapes in the original character
encoding, it would have appeared, I believe, as Mimi Phûông-Thåo Võ.

Isn't our file just a copy of the one from binutils ? Shouldn't we adjust it based on commit ?
