Re: [PATCH] rust: alloc: Fix `ArrayLayout` allocations

From: Miguel Ojeda
Date: Sat Nov 23 2024 - 12:39:44 EST

On Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 11:30 AM Asahi Lina <lina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We were accidentally allocating a layout for the *square* of the object
> size due to a variable shadowing mishap.

Good catch, thanks! (Square?)

`clippy::shadow_reuse` would catch this, but it does catch a lot more
things, sadly.

I sent:

and added it to the Clippy list. If one of the ideas in the issue are
implemented, then I think we should easily enable it.

Similarly, we could do `shadow_unrelated` -- that one seems easier,
and perhaps we should do it anyway, at least a couple cases I saw
would make the code clearer.
