Re: [PATCH v3 10/10] ARM: dts: ti: omap: samsung-espresso10: Add initial support for Galaxy Tab 2 10.1

From: Mithil Bavishi
Date: Sun Nov 24 2024 - 02:44:56 EST

> well, I think I2C bus runs at 1.8V, and there is IO_1.8V in the name,
> so vio-supply should be something at 1.8V, so probably ldo6 is
> vio-supply. Maybe add a remark in the comments. But then it might be
> not a good idea to turn that off in suspend. if the other regulator is
> kept on.

But we are not sure if it is the same, also I personally cannot test it
since I own the 7 inch version. Let's remove avdd supply for now and see
if someone with 10 inch version can test it again later. This is better
than putting potentially incorrect information.

> We have also the warning from dtbs_check:
> arch/arm/boot/dts/ti/omap/omap4-samsung-espresso10.dtb:
> synaptics-rmi4-i2c@20: Unevaluated properties are not allowed
> ('avdd-supply', 'touchscreen-size-x', 'touchscreen-size-y' were
> unexpected)

Ah, indeed. I missed it, will fix it as you've mentioned.

Best Regards,