Re: [PATCH v4 08/10] misc: rp1: RaspberryPi RP1 misc driver

From: Andrew Lunn
Date: Sun Nov 24 2024 - 14:34:07 EST

> +++ b/drivers/misc/rp1/rp1-pci.dtso
> @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR MIT)
> +
> +/* the dts overlay is included from the dts directory so
> + * it can be possible to check it with CHECK_DTBS while
> + * also compile it from the driver source directory.
> + */
> +
> +#include "arm64/broadcom/rp1.dtso"

This is probably O.K, for now, but really the tooling should be
extended so that DT files can be checked anywhere in the tree. I can
see more such embedded DT overlays appearing with time, and there is
nothing actually arm64 specific here, it is architecture agnostic. It
is just a PCIe device, there is no reason it could not be used on a
S390, Risc-V, or loongarch.
