Re: [PATCH v4 2/4] dmaengine: gpi: Add Lock and Unlock TRE support to access I2C exclusively

From: Mukesh Kumar Savaliya
Date: Mon Nov 25 2024 - 00:02:13 EST

Hi Konrad, Thanks !

On 11/22/2024 7:10 PM, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
On 18.11.2024 6:46 AM, Mukesh Kumar Savaliya wrote:
Thanks Konrad for the review !

On 11/16/2024 12:53 AM, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
On 13.11.2024 5:14 PM, Mukesh Kumar Savaliya wrote:
GSI DMA provides specific TREs(Transfer ring element) namely Lock and
Unlock TRE. It provides mutually exclusive access to I2C controller from
any of the processor(Apps,ADSP). Lock prevents other subsystems from
concurrently performing DMA transfers and avoids disturbance to data path.
Basically for shared I2C usecase, lock the SE(Serial Engine) for one of
the processor, complete the transfer, unlock the SE.

Apply Lock TRE for the first transfer of shared SE and Apply Unlock
TRE for the last transfer.

Also change MAX_TRE macro to 5 from 3 because of the two additional TREs.

Signed-off-by: Mukesh Kumar Savaliya <quic_msavaliy@xxxxxxxxxxx>


  +    /* create lock tre for first tranfser */
+    if (i2c->shared_se && i2c->first_msg) {

Does the first/last logic handle errors well? i.e. what if we
have >= 3 transfers and:

1) the first transfer succeeds but the last doesn't
2) the first transfer succeeds, the second one doesn't and the lock
    is submitted again
3) the unlock never suceeds

geni_i2c_gpi_xfer() takes care of any of the error. Upon error, it does dma_engine_terminate_sync() which resets all the pipes. Internal downstream also has same implementation.

Okay, this sounds reassuring.

Since the TRE would be locked to APSS, I'm guessing we don't ever need
to worry about gpi_terminate_all() being executed halfway through a
non-APSS transaction?
