Re: [PATCH v2 0/6] media: uvcvideo: Implement the Privacy GPIO as a subdevice
From: Ricardo Ribalda
Date: Mon Nov 25 2024 - 08:51:14 EST
On Mon, 25 Nov 2024 at 14:44, Hans de Goede <hdegoede@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 25-Nov-24 1:58 PM, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 01:39:05PM +0100, Hans de Goede wrote:
> >> Hi Ricardo,
> >>
> >> On 10-Nov-24 5:07 PM, Ricardo Ribalda wrote:
> >>> On Sun, 10 Nov 2024 at 16:14, Laurent Pinchart
> >>> <laurent.pinchart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> <snip>
> >>
> >>>>>> Here is what I have in mind for this:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 1. Assume that the results of trying a specific fmt do not change over time.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 2. Only allow userspace to request fmts which match one of the enum-fmts ->
> >>>>>> enum-frame-sizes -> enum-frame-rates tripplet results
> >>>>>> (constrain what userspace requests to these)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 3. Run the equivalent of tryfmt on all possible combinations (so the usaul
> >>>>>> 3 levels nested loop for this) on probe() and cache the results
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 4. Make try_fmt / set_fmt not poweron the device but instead constrain
> >>>>>> the requested fmt to one from our cached fmts
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 5. On stream-on do the actual power-on + set-fmt + verify that we get
> >>>>>> what we expect based on the cache, and otherwise return -EIO.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Can we start powering up the device during try/set fmt and then
> >>>>> implement the format caching as an improvement?
> >>>>
> >>>> This sounds worth trying. We'll need to test it on a wide range of
> >>>> devices though, both internal and external.
> >>>
> >>> For what is worth, we have been running something similar to
> >>>
> >>> in ChromeOS and it has worked fine....
> >>>
> >>> But I am pretty sure that it has issues with async controls :S
> >>
> >> Interesting that is actually a lot more aggressive (as in doing a
> >> usb_autopm_put_interface() often) then what I expected when you said:
> >>
> >> "Can we start powering up the device during try/set fmt"
> >>
> >> As I mentioned in my other emails what I think would worth nicely
> >> is delay the initial usb_autopm_get_interface() till we need it
> >> and then just leave the camera on till /dev/video# gets closed.
> >>
> >> That idea is based on dividing apps in 2 groups:
> >>
> >> 1. Apps just temporarily opening /dev/video# nodes for discovery,
> >> where we ideally would not power-up the camera.
> >>
> >> 2. Apps (could even be the same app) opening /dev/video# for
> >> a longer time because it actually want to use the camera
> >> at the moment of opening and which close the /dev/video# node
> >> when done with the camera.
> >>
> >> Your code seems to also covers a 3th group of apps:
> >>
> >> 3. Apps opening /dev/video# for a long time, while not using
> >> it all the time.
> >>
> >> Although it would be nice to also cover those, IMHO those are
> >> not well behaved apps and I'm not sure if we need to cover those.
> >
> > Is that right ? Isn't it better for an application to keep the device
> > open to avoid open delays or even open failures when it wants to use the
> > device ?
> Keeping devices open has advantages and disadvantages. E.g. keeping
> /dev/input/event# nodes open will also typically lead to e.g.
> touchscreens staying powered on.
> Generally speaking it is not unheard of to expect userspace to
> behave in a certain way for things like this for power-consumption
> reasons.
> I guess the question is how far do we want to go inside the uvc
> driver to avoid userspace needing to close the /dev/video# nodes
> when unused.
> Ricardo's patch from here:
> goes all the way and if I understand Ricardo correctly this is
> already in use in ChromeOS ?
It is in use on just some devices. I try to not diverge from upstream if I can.
> So we could also go with this. Maybe put it behind a Kconfig option
> for a while ?
I can try to work on a new version of the patch, including support for
async controls the way I described in my previous email.
Let me know what you think.
> AFAICT the only thing which needs to be figured out there is async
> controls.
> I think we can simply set a long autosuspend delay on devices with
> async controls to deal with that ?
> I have a Logitech QuickCam Orbit (non AF) UVC camera which has
> pan + tilt controls and AFAICT these work fine with v4l2-ctl
> which immediately closes the /dev/video# node after the set-ctrl
> command. But I'm not sure if I have tested this without the camera
> streaming at the time. Anyways that is at least one camera I can test.
> Regards,
> Hans
Ricardo Ribalda