[PATCH v2] staging: rtl8723bs: fix broken code when cflag is used
From: Rodrigo Gobbi
Date: Mon Nov 25 2024 - 17:53:41 EST
When using an extra cflag, DBG_RX_SIGNAL_DISPLAY_RAW_DATA,
hal_com.c file doesn't compile.
Fixes: ec57f8641fbc ("staging: rtl8723bs: Rework 'struct _ODM_Phy_Status_Info_' coding style.")
Signed-off-by: Rodrigo Gobbi <rodrigo.gobbi.7@xxxxxxxxx>
As noticed at [1], hal_com.c is not compiling with -DDBG_RX_SIGNAL_DISPLAY_RAW_DATA due
the changes at [2] (a few statements were not replaced with the new struct).
A little discussion was made at [1] too about how useful this cflag was or if
the code under the cflag should be deleted. I think there is no harm to keep those things
as is since we can easily fix the error and someone might be interested in using that
to further debug the driver.
Tks and regards.
[1] https://lore.kernel.org/linux-staging/f61d8272-4af3-40d6-a333-e7731c3fc5ae@stanley.mountain/T/#mffa281a89e67c609db9b125878d5b8d090776812
[2] "staging: rtl8723bs: Rework 'struct _ODM_Phy_Status_Info_' coding style.", commit ec57f8641fbca07bbb61a75bd4760fd7aef86860
v2: add missing commit msg and fixes tag;
v1: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-staging/2024112500-authentic-primarily-b5da@gregkh/T/#mea4fba3775a1015f345dfe322854c55db0cddf43
drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/hal/hal_com.c | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/hal/hal_com.c b/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/hal/hal_com.c
index 95fb38283c58..63bf6f034f61 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/hal/hal_com.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/hal/hal_com.c
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ void rtw_store_phy_info(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *prframe)
struct hal_com_data *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
struct rx_pkt_attrib *pattrib = &prframe->u.hdr.attrib;
- struct odm_phy_info *pPhyInfo = (PODM_PHY_INFO_T)(&pattrib->phy_info);
+ struct odm_phy_info *pPhyInfo = (struct odm_phy_info *)(&pattrib->phy_info);
struct rx_raw_rssi *psample_pkt_rssi = &padapter->recvpriv.raw_rssi_info;
psample_pkt_rssi->data_rate = pattrib->data_rate;
@@ -919,8 +919,8 @@ void rtw_store_phy_info(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *prframe)
psample_pkt_rssi->mimo_signal_strength[rf_path] = pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_strength[rf_path];
psample_pkt_rssi->mimo_signal_quality[rf_path] = pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_quality[rf_path];
if (!isCCKrate) {
- psample_pkt_rssi->ofdm_pwr[rf_path] = pPhyInfo->RxPwr[rf_path];
- psample_pkt_rssi->ofdm_snr[rf_path] = pPhyInfo->RxSNR[rf_path];
+ psample_pkt_rssi->ofdm_pwr[rf_path] = pPhyInfo->rx_pwr[rf_path];
+ psample_pkt_rssi->ofdm_snr[rf_path] = pPhyInfo->rx_snr[rf_path];