Re: [PATCH v6 5/5] arm64: dts: qcom: qcs6490-rb3gen2-vision-mezzanine: Add vision mezzanine
From: Bryan O'Donoghue
Date: Wed Nov 27 2024 - 05:27:10 EST
On 27/11/2024 10:04, Vikram Sharma wrote:
+ dovdd-supply = <&vreg_l18b_1p8>;
You seem to be missing some supplies here.
I'm not sure if we've covered this before but, it looks to me as though
avdd and dvdd are missing.
On rb5/sm8250 it looks like this.
dovdd-supply = <&vreg_l7f_1p8>;
avdd-supply = <&vdc_5v>;
dvdd-supply = <&vdc_5v>;
Can you point to the right supplies here in your dtbo ?
Reviewed-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@xxxxxxxxxx>